tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2008

Wake up calls are strange

Why do people lie when somebody calls in the morning?

*ring ring* .... *ring ring* .... *ring ring*

me: "Hi.. What's up?"

caller: "Sorry did I wake you up?!"

"No no no. I was just lying in the bed and chilling.."

Why do we always have to lie instead of just saying:

"Yes you did wake me up but it's cool. What's up?"

or: "Yes you did. Call me back when the sun comes up!"

1 kommentti:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

We don't want to make people apologize..? Because inevitably they always do, and then we have to do the whole "no, no, no, it's really not a big deal" routine.

Or in my case, sometimes they call around ten in the morning, and if I'm still sleeping I'm too embarrassed to say I was sleeping, so I clear my throat before I answer and then I just plain lie about the sleep part. Of course that late people are usually too embarrassed to ask if I were sleeping anyway. Because for all intents and purposes I should've gotten up like most people get up when it was still pitch dark outside and dragged my feet to the library.

Not a chance of that happening in this lifetime if I spend more winters in Finland. As I look outside the gray is just overwhelming. There's literally no decent light out there, just this haze. So basically I don't actually really care what time anyone calls, half the way I mostly feel like hibernating.

Oops, didn't mean to rant.

Lucky you for getting to go to SA. Lucky, lucky guy. I'm trying to figure out where -I- could go and when.