lauantai 8. joulukuuta 2007

Detective books predict the future

I mean it wasn't long ago when you read this kind of stuff from crime novels. Nowadays it's reality. So if you want to know the future start reading detective and action books.

Funniest thing for this piece of news is that there are only 3 possible outcomes.

1. This old man is declared crazy by the goverment. Life continues as it was.
2. The news is overshadowed by new intelligent report that tells there are terrorist in country called JIRISKLAND. Nobody knows where it is but it sounds like they could kill us all!!! DO SOMETHING!!! BOMB SOMETHING!! I'M SCARED!!

3. This thing blows wide open and the head of NSA is fired. Then new man/woman replaces him and they start from the beginning to plan new way to watch over us.

So nothing is going to change as long as the same a-holes are in charge of that dumb ass country. (Edit:the country isn't stupid. But their leaders are.)

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