"Ministeri Wallin on dopingin ohella huolissaan muista epäeettisistä ilmiöistä suomalaisessa huippu-urheilussa, viitaten kahteen tuoreeseen huume-epäilyyn, jotka liittyvät jääkiekkoon ja koripalloon. Epäeettinen urheiluun liittyvä toiminta on saatava minimiin tässä maassa ja asia on lähitulevaisuudessa syytä ottaa esille suomalaisen urheilujohdon kanssa vakavassa hengessä."
Jotenkin naurattaa mikä hirveä haloo nostetaan yhdestä doping-kärystä. Kyseessä on kumminkin yksi urheilija (Kaisa Varis), joka nyt ei ole sieltä fiksuimmasta päästä (minusta opiskelupaikka yliopistossa ei tee ihmisestä siis vielä fiksua) ja haluaa vaan voittaa urheilukisoissa.
Ei tässä nyt kuitenkaan puhuta aborteista tai politiikkojen pervoiluista tai kantasolujen tutkimisesta. Saattaahan dopingissa kyse epäeettisesta ilmiöstä HUIPPU-URHEILUSSA, aivan kuten artikkelissa sanotaan, mutta ei missään muussa. Jos joku haluaa tunkea itseensä kemikaaleja, niin se on sitten sen asia. Jos ihmiskehoon kemikaalien tunkeminen olisi epäeettistä, olisi viina, tupakka, huumeet, nuuska yms. kaikki epäeettisiä tekoja.
Nyt kuitenkaan ei ole niin, sillä ne ovat vain paheksuttavia tai laittomia. Eivät epäeettisiä. Urheilussa kemikaalit ovat epäeettisiä koska niin on sovittu yhdessä. Siis on niinku ihan epistä jos joku ei ole mukana leikissä vaan lähtee sooloilemaan. Siis olisiko kyse nyt enemmänkin siitä että joku ei noudata sääntöjä? Eli mitä jos unohdettaisiin tuo termi 'epäeettisyys' kokonaan, kun puhutaan huippu-urheilusta.
Minun yksinkertaiseen päähän ei vaan uppoa, että miksi urheilijoiden pitäisi olla jotain esikuvia muille. Ovathan he toki julkisuudessa mutta se johtuu siitä että heidät nostetaan julkisuuteen. Jos Mika Myllylä dokaa eläkepäivillään ittensä putkaa se on yleinen vitsi, mutta jos Jere Karalahti vetää kännit ja käyttää nuuskaa treenikaudella on hän huono esimerkki. En tajuu?!
Kyynelten määrä on valtaisa tällä hetkellä. On tuo doping niin surullinen ja yhteiskuntaamme rappeuttava juttu. Mihin on maailma menossa. plääh!
(Minusta on epäeettistä että tällaiset uutiset tulevat saamaan viikosta toiseen älyttömän määrän media-aikaa samalla, kun voisi uutisoida jostain muustakin kun sossupokesta. dsfkldfglkjsgeoigdloe4opi öl er4 ioö90å34 90q34y5hiow pertrse, olkaHeadDuelePenikkaofAPuta!)
torstai 31. tammikuuta 2008
Epäeettisyys kitkettävä..... urheilusta
written by Perro time 17.19 0 comments
Tags: epäeettisyys
Tulevaisuuden ennustuksia
Näen tulevaisuuteen:
- Britney Spearsin tapainen uutisointi syrjäyttää kaiken 'laatujournalismin' (no joo, toi nyt on jo totta... Toi linkistä löytyvä läppä menee jo pikkuhiljaa överiks..)
- Kun meitsin sukupolvi on eläkeiässä Perussuomalaiset ovat hallituksessa
En jaksa perustella. Uskokaa pois vaan. Meitsi tietää.
written by Perro time 16.07 0 comments
Tags: tulevaisuus
keskiviikko 30. tammikuuta 2008
Worst invention in a while!
Some of you might remember few products that appeared in one post a while ago: karaoke machine and digital wine temperature measurer..
Well today I found something that might even top those!
Imagine this scenario. You are planing a day trip to mountains. What do you need? boots, backpack, water, FOOD. Food is very important. So why not buy a hamburger in a CAN!!!! Only 3,95 euros.
WTF! WTF!?! WTF!?!?!!!!!
Somebody please pinch me to wake me up from this crazy dream I'm in.
These just keep getting better:
Check also
- powder wine, 3.95euros
- tomate soup in a plastic plate with some herbs on top
This is what you get when you have too much money and you want to go trekking and be one with the nature. Where's my shotgun?! I'm loosing my faith on peace and love.
written by Perro time 11.00 0 comments
Tags: food, human behavior
tiistai 29. tammikuuta 2008
My new hobby
Today I went climbing for the second time in one week/my life and I think I'm hooked/found my new hobby. The only downside is I almost dislocated my shoulder again. After that little incident I decided to start climbing with only my right hand (well at least almost..). F#"%#&%&%ing shoulder!! I'll show you who's the boss in this body!
What you loose in technique you gain in power, or how did it go.
-One handed monkey
written by Perro time 22.33 0 comments
Tags: hobbies
lauantai 26. tammikuuta 2008
How UG becomes part of popular culture
Got this really interesting link to a documentary of popular culture for teenagers.
See the movie first and then read the rest of this post.
The very same day but earlier I downloaded a program to my computer from Last.fm. This program is synced with my iTunes and then it sends all the data of my playlist to last.fm´s database. Then you can listen the same kind of music from the internet for free. You can also get in touch with people who listen to same kind of music etc..
Nice idea, or at least I thought so before this documentary but now I see this program only as a tool that probes my privacy and collects information of young people and their taste in music. This information is then used to decide what will the next big trend be. So putting it simple, it's trying to see into the future to make more money.
I could be naive and think that by contributing to this system and trying to direct it to a certain direction (genre of music) people would think with their brains not with their mirrors. But when you think about it it's not going to happen. If by some miracle the next trend would be Finnish reggae music that would encourage people not to buy stuff all the time, what would happen? Well, that would be bad business for Viacom and other big networks and that would make them invent a new trend that cherishes the idea of buying stuff.
I believe some trends can be good but the sad thing is that new trends are waiting for us when new spring comes. That means that if every 10th trend is good for the society we have to wait 9 springs before it's here again and even then it's only temporary. I think hippies were ok. They did some good stuff but also some not so smart things. But at least they stopped a war. How long do we have to wait for a movement/trend that actually makes our young people think instead of making them shake their asses on TV? 5, 15 years?
Anyway, I decided to remove the program from my computer since it's main purpose is not very nice according to my values. Often these things we think are free are quite the opposite. By using last.fm's program we give them information. Information is more valuable than gold to these big companies.
I did some research and found out that last.fm is UK based company that was founded 2002. On 30 May 2007, CBS Interactive acquired Last.fm for £140m (US$280m), making Last.fm the largest European Web 2.0 purchase to date. (wikipedia)
Extra info of Last.fm and it's policies
read this(june 22 2007)
And CBS of course is owned by Viacom. Suprise suprise. They didn't buy this company so they could give teenagers free music! And as you remember from the documentary, they own MTV etc.. So they bought Last.fm to get information. They paid 280 million dollars from this company that is free to use. I wish it was so but it ain't.
(sorry, this post is written in a hurry but hopefully you got the point)
written by Perro time 19.31 3 comments
Tags: human behavior, media, money
keskiviikko 23. tammikuuta 2008
I need your help. I think the counter of this site lies...
I mean I don't think my daily average of visitors is 16 people. That's because only few people know about this blog. So my guess is that the counter just wants me to think there are more visitors than there actually are.
If that is not the case I want to know which one of you told his friends of this site. I mean my facebook might say that I have 100 friends but that's not true and 95% of them don't even know about this blog. Even 16 friends seems too much.
If you read this just leave a comment. You don't have to put your name, just put something. If there is less than 15 comments I'm going to put 2 counters on this site and see if they match...
written by Perro time 0.09 2 comments
Tags: counter
tiistai 22. tammikuuta 2008
Street art and chat with the local authorities
After a great movie me and my friend felt creative and decided to do some street art to my buildings wall. After the work was done (about 20 minutes) police paid us a visit. Either we are extremely unlucky or someone called them (I believe it was the latter one).
So a little chat with mr. senior and junior police officers and we were forced to remove certain parts of the art work (The hip area had a 3D dick pointing towards your right). Just for the record the younger cop could hardly hold his laughter while the older one was considering really hard if they should take us "downtown".
I'm quite sure the old guy didn't have enough time to really exam the art piece or other wise he might have made some other modifications to it as well.
Now I know what I'm going to do this winter. Unfortunately I can't tell you since some might consider it illegal.
written by Perro time 22.35 2 comments
Tags: police, street art
Edelliseen juttuun jatkoa
Tämän päivän uutinen Kun vaihtoehdot loppuvat LAILLISTETAAN.
Tämä siis jatkoa edelliselle aiheelle josta kirjoitin. Ei valtio ole moraalin vartija. Se vahtii että se itse pysyy hengissä. Jokainen kyllä tietää että uhkapeli on varsin kyseenalaista ja aiheuttaa ongelmia tietyille ihmisille.
"Veikkaus tai RAY ottaisi vastuun nettipokerin järjestämisestä. Näin tuotot päätyisivät kansalaisyhteiskunnan käyttöön."
Tuo lause kertoo kaiken. Ei ihmisistä yritetä tehdä itsenäisiä, ajattelevia otuksia jotka tajuaisivat että uhkapelaaminen on tyhmää, vaan heistä pyritään ottamaan kaikki mahdollinen irti jotta pyörät jatkavat pyörimistä.
Pokeri on täydellinen esimerkki omasta pikku pelistämme jossa elämme. Pelistä jossa 5% rikastuu ja muut jäävät nuolemaan näppejään. Mut hei! Kun tajuut ettei oo pakko pelata, tai että sääntöjä voi muuttaa, niin ei tule ongelmia.
written by Perro time 15.30 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
Drugs and stuff
So now I'm going to write about intoxicating substances like drugs and alcohol etc. Just for the record I'm not taking sides I'm just telling what I think.
"Drugs are bad, OK?!" said the school counselor in South park. Authorities tell drugs are bad for you. I tell you that authorities telling you something is bad for you. Again not defending drugs but there I said it anyway. Authorities do their very best to keep you uninformed of new ways that could turn you from a profitable unit into a burden. As long as the narcotic substance could make you unprofitable for the society it's not worth the 6 o'clock news. There are other things that make you a burden but I'm concentrating of drugs this time.
I believe that the modern society works like this (one branch of it anyway if you simplify it big time):
It's carefully calculated that drugs are less of a burden on the streets where only fraction of the people suffer from the side effects. And only a fraction of these are so messed up that they've become unprofitable units to the society. Actually calculating this isn't that difficult. You only need annual estimate of the money that circulates in the criminal organizations and then you know ruffly how much money your country is loosing every year to some criminals pockets.
The day when there are so many drug users and the money that goes into the pockets of gangs is greater than the expenses that goes into the total equation of drug users is the day when the government is going to take over the drug business. After that they do their best to make it profitable for the society. Might work, might not work.
So the equation:
estimated money in drug business > (is greater than) money that is lost in things like productivity per person per year. Then you multiply this amount with the number of drug users. These cost are persons productivity, taxes, health care, authorities that are needed to stop the person from buying drugs, education, etc...
When this equation comes true it means that government will introduce it's people new legal chemical that makes them feel funny.
So what are the benefits? Well the government can start collecting tax revenues from this new product. Police can start using resources to more acute problems like harder drugs. More tourist if you are not the last country to legalize this product. Stronger control over people. Number of crimes decreases. etc..
In Netherlands marijuana is legal. I don't believe it was something they initially wanted but it just happened when things got out of hand. Today I believe it's a profitable business for the country. Tourist pour in and people are still making money for the government. Yes yes yes, I know there are downsides but this post isn't about those things.
Let's take an older example. Very similar to this one dealing with drugs. Year 1919 in Finland. Selling, manufacturing, importing, storing of alcohol was prohibited by the law. Definition of alcohol = drinks that contain more than 2% ethanol. These products were only legal when used on medical, scientific or technical purposes. Sounds familiar? When alcohol was banned in USA organized crime took over the selling of alcohol. We all know what had to be done after a while. In Finland this happened in year 1931 when over 70% of Finns voted to end the ban.
Nowadays alcohol related deaths are 3rd or 4th most common reason of deaths in Finland. Long gone are the days when selling alcohol was profitable for the authorities. Now their just trying to get the most out of the business. If the wise men of this country were facing 4 new drugs that were just found: alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and cocaine, and they had to ban only two. Which two would they choose? Or would it be wiser to legalize all? What would be the smartest way to make profit from these drugs? Let's face it. They need the money. Our society don't run on good will. At least not yet. What's the answer to all these questions? I have no idea. I'm just throwing ideas and opinions in to the air. I trust my own brain on these things and not the authorities.
The ultimate question is: Why don't people doubt any of the of the stuff that is happening around them? I know this much: the big problem we are facing is not drugs, high oil price, small rise in salaries or high taxes, it's something totally different.
Legalize brains!
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.mp3
-Gill Scott Heron-
written by Perro time 0.16 0 comments
Tags: drugs, human behavior
keskiviikko 16. tammikuuta 2008
I Want mountains!
Ok, I've spent enough time in my flat. I'm ready to go back to mountains. I just realized that if I had delayed my graduation by 6 months I could have been skiing almost the entire season in the Alps... decisions decisions.. Next year then.. yes! Next year.. Oh well I guess 4 weeks of skiing this season has to be enough. Humans are greedy by nature. I want more!
written by Perro time 17.18 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
tiistai 15. tammikuuta 2008
People walking against us are seen as threats
On the escalators you stop for a while. You stop to observe the people who come against you to the opposite direction. I dare to say we judge these people without knowing them. If someone looks ugly, dirty, strange, hippie, annoying, drunken etc. we acknowledge that in our brain and mark them as different from the rest. We remember these people that look different. Often we see these people as threats to us and something we believe in. The rest we ignore.
All the politicians wear the same clothes so that they are not seen as treats but as someone who sees things the same way. It's easier to deal with people that look alike. If someone looks different because he/she wears something different we easily think that they are somehow different to us. Their political views have to differ from ours. If some Finnish minister would wear red all the time he/she would probably not even be minister or at least not for long. It would be easy to say he/she is doing something wrong because she/he looks different. All physical qualities that make you look a lot different are bad in a longer run, even if that means that you are extremely beautiful or handsome. Those might give you the popularity of a small group and it could help you stay in power but you could never be taken seriously as long as you look different from the mainstream.
Looks matter so much these days that nobody can't even understand it. We judge people by their covers. Of course you have to start judging people from somewhere that is totally understandable.. or is it? That's not the case with books. You simple can't tell if a book is good until you read it. We're only humans so it is a human thing to do, judging I mean, but I'm saying that we should stop every once in a while and think if these people really are that much different from us.
The escalators is a perfect place to be superficial and judge a person by it's cover and keep on living your life wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with a nike logo. It's the safe thing to do. The other person can't get into your private space. He/she is on an other line going into the wrong direction (even safer ways to judge people are TV, radio, newspapers and magazines). You are the one who knows for certainty where you are going and it's the only way to go. You're so smart aren't you? The idea that the ugly guy in the escalators wearing a rainbow colored cape and strange pants, listening Jazz with his iPod, while going to visit his girlfriend who is working in a restaurant is really stupid person and could never be our next president, is an absurd idea because...
Lets all start judging
And for Finnish readers
written by Perro time 17.50 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
maanantai 14. tammikuuta 2008
Holidays are over for now
Going on a holiday is really great and I love spending time with my friends and just having fun 24/7 BUT there is a problem. At least I start transforming into something that my friends are. I mean we are good friends because we see the world from pretty much the same perspective and we have the same sense of humour. Still it's a bit scary when your own identity starts to faint and you begin to act and think exactly the same way as your friends.
I had a conversation/argument with a guy who said that your identity is what others think of you. Well I don't believe that but identity has often some qualities that your friends have. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that if your life would be one big holiday your identity would start to dissolve and become this blurry thing where you don't know what is your opinion and what is your friends opinion. That is why I need my privacy. From time to time I need to be alone to understand who I am and make sense of this world.
There is only one person in the world who should change your identity and that is some really nice girl/boy. I'm on a train back home and my brain is still really upside down from boozing and having fun. "It's complicated" as the phrase goes in Facebook. I've got two more trips to do. Their suppose to be holidays as well but at the moment I don't feel like I need a holiday.
All I need is some time to relax alone and straighten my head.
There is always something more you want from a holiday but this time it wasn't mine to have. Hopefully that opportunity passes me again someday. I just hope I'll wake up when my stop comes. Next stop Kuopio. Now some sleep.....
ps. I got married in facebook. For all you readers: it's a joke. More thoughts about that in the near future. This is kind of a test to see what, if anything happens. What is the real power of Facebook?? That will be answered in few weeks time.
written by Perro time 17.18 1 comments
Tags: holidays, human behavior
torstai 3. tammikuuta 2008
A little break from posting
I'm having my annual summer vacation. Will return 14th of January smarter than ever or as a vegetable. Actually I'm probably just going be tired as hell. Just like you're suppose to be after holidays. Right?
Stay tuned. I've got plenty of writing in the drawer(hard drive) waiting..
written by Perro time 8.48 1 comments
Tags: holidays