lauantai 11. elokuuta 2007

Not my future ex-wife

Hectic day but I'm back in East at "home".

On train heading east I heard a young woman talking to her cell phone. I listened 30 seconds of her call and knew that she's not going to be my future ex-wife (without even seeing her, can you imagine!!). the conversation went something like this.

"Listen. Buy me a Iltalehti (newspaper, so to speak..). I'd like to read it. Yes Iltalehti, not Iltasanomat! I want Iltalehti."
"And buy ice cream! I want ice cream as well when I get there."

Well raised girl... She sure knows what she wants. ´Please´ is just not part of her vocabulary.

1 kommentti:

TCP kirjoitti...

Ha ha. Betcha don't want ANYONE to be your future ex-wife.

I would want to marry someone who'll be around when I'm say 81 and who'll push me to see an opthalmologist when I start to get far sighted. If I don't, he'll grab my hand and walk me there. I want someone who knows all the moles on my back (because I can't) and if there's anything funny back there, he'll take me to the derm so I don't get sick. Oh and he says hello to people and doesn't crowd anyone off the pavement with his cane or walker. He'd ask me how my day's been even if he's been with me the whole day, sitting in maybe a rocking chair or a golf cart. I'd do the same thing in return and we'd be a-okay. That kind of stuff... THAT is the guy I would hope to marry. Not that you asked. I just like writing about this. :) Doesn't hurt to hope.