tiistai 21. elokuuta 2007

Sharing would be nice

My silly idea of future:
Since the human race always want to get some new gadgets and cars and boats and so on, you can't expect us to stop wanting those things. It's just not going to happen in the near future. As long as there are natural resources, such as iron and oil, to build wonderful things that we don't really need people are going to want them.

So I suggest we start sharing them. Which is wiser: to buy a 100 000 euro boat or find 4 other people that want the same thing? In this hectic productivity oriented culture we'll never have more than 2 weeks a year to navigate that damn thing. So let's share the boat so that every one can use it 2 weeks a year. That makes 10 weeks a summer and surely we can make a excel table where everyone can mark the week they want to use it. We are extremely organized so I'm sure that we can reach a timetable that suites for everyone and so minor schedule fights can be solved.

So now we're sharing a boat. Next we can share a summer cottage. Well that is already happening so we just have to expand the system. That is solved. Next we can share cars. In this we need the government to provide the nation with cars. They can buy cars from consumers and after that start renting them for citizens for a reasonable price. And I don't mean 200 euros a day, that's just stupid. The price just has to be a bit more expensive than public transportation. So now everyone can rent cars when needed. It sure is going to be more cheaper than buying one and after that there won't be that many cars on the roads = less accidents. Great! People save thousands of euros a year to other things thus spending more money on different kinds of services. That means more jobs. Much more jobs than will be lost when the car rental companies and car sales companies go bankrupted.

We can also share motorbikes, ATVs, ski doos.. you name it. The next step after that would be to share services: you fix my TV and I'll do your garden. I'll do your taxes and you will let me use your boat for a weekend.

Let's start sharing! Is that sosialism...? hmmm.. I prefer shareism.

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