lauantai 26. tammikuuta 2008

How UG becomes part of popular culture

Got this really interesting link to a documentary of popular culture for teenagers.

See the movie first and then read the rest of this post.

The very same day but earlier I downloaded a program to my computer from This program is synced with my iTunes and then it sends all the data of my playlist to´s database. Then you can listen the same kind of music from the internet for free. You can also get in touch with people who listen to same kind of music etc..

Nice idea, or at least I thought so before this documentary but now I see this program only as a tool that probes my privacy and collects information of young people and their taste in music. This information is then used to decide what will the next big trend be. So putting it simple, it's trying to see into the future to make more money.

I could be naive and think that by contributing to this system and trying to direct it to a certain direction (genre of music) people would think with their brains not with their mirrors. But when you think about it it's not going to happen. If by some miracle the next trend would be Finnish reggae music that would encourage people not to buy stuff all the time, what would happen? Well, that would be bad business for Viacom and other big networks and that would make them invent a new trend that cherishes the idea of buying stuff.

I believe some trends can be good but the sad thing is that new trends are waiting for us when new spring comes. That means that if every 10th trend is good for the society we have to wait 9 springs before it's here again and even then it's only temporary. I think hippies were ok. They did some good stuff but also some not so smart things. But at least they stopped a war. How long do we have to wait for a movement/trend that actually makes our young people think instead of making them shake their asses on TV? 5, 15 years?

Anyway, I decided to remove the program from my computer since it's main purpose is not very nice according to my values. Often these things we think are free are quite the opposite. By using's program we give them information. Information is more valuable than gold to these big companies.

I did some research and found out that is UK based company that was founded 2002. On 30 May 2007, CBS Interactive acquired for £140m (US$280m), making the largest European Web 2.0 purchase to date. (wikipedia)

Extra info of and it's policies
read this(june 22 2007)

And CBS of course is owned by Viacom. Suprise suprise. They didn't buy this company so they could give teenagers free music! And as you remember from the documentary, they own MTV etc.. So they bought to get information. They paid 280 million dollars from this company that is free to use. I wish it was so but it ain't.

(sorry, this post is written in a hurry but hopefully you got the point)

3 kommenttia:

Erno kirjoitti...

Maybe you're taking this whole thing too seriously. Of course it has it´s cons just like you said. And you made a good point with a Finnish reggae music: if you are listening something very marginal in the global point of view, it's not very good information for these companies.

Since the beginning of my registration I have played during nights (and other time when I'm not home etc.) Wolfgang Sauer. He is - never heard of - artist from Germany and still the first one in my top list. When I started to log these statistics to, there was no one who listens to him! So, for me at least, it makes me smile to think this as a some kind of sabotage. It's the same thing I'm going to do with Facebook too: fill it with disinformation!


Perro kirjoitti...

I'm not really taking it seriously. It's a small fish in the lake, that's it. I'm just saying that people should know about these things.

I mean was a really great idea (still is to a certain degree) until the day when it was purchased by CBS. Then it turned into something else, just like facebook etc. 5% get richer and the other 94% pay their houses on the hills of Hollywood without knowing it.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Mielenkiintoinen analyysi. Kiva, että tälle ohjelmalle löytyy katsojia.

Sama ongelma on kyseessä, minkä taas tänään 'koulussa' kohtasin. Meinaan saada aivoverenvuodon, kun verenpaine kohoaa siitä, kuinka tiettyjä asioita joko pidetään niin itsestäänselvinä, ettei niistä keskustella, tai sitten niistä ei olla tietoisia eikä edes välitetä.

Paras ratkaisu on kaiketi toimia jollain sellaisella saralla, jossa pääsee vaikuttamaan HYVIEN asioiden puolesta, ja Lance "Get Me a Young Blonde" Armstrong on siinä oikeassa, kun sen motto on Live Strong. Live Strong and live your own life. Muut saavat tuomita ihan niin paljon kuin haluavat. Tappelusta itsensä sisällä tai ulospäin ei tule kuin mustelmia.

Mutta perhanan perhana kun se on helpommin sanottu kuin tehty. Helvete.