lauantai 30. elokuuta 2008

Food wasting

Interesting article:Half of all food is wasted.

Many of my friends while eating leave the plate unfinished if they are full. I always try to eat everything no matter what. This action of my friends of course isn't going to destroy the world but in some way it shows that people think differently about food.

I've been thought not to waste food so I try to do my best.

I'm just waiting for the day when this food wasting is really going to stop because as long as fast food places such as McDonald's etc. are allowed to throw away perfectly good food because it's been on the counter for more than 4 minutes (don't know the exact time), no major change is going to happen.

Same goes for grocery stores that throw away perfectly good vegetables, fruits and other food just because the the product isn't "pretty" anymore or the date has expired.

I just think there is something wrong with the food system we have at the moment. I don't know exactly how to make it better but for all I care all the so called fast food places could be turned into slow food restaurants where everything that goes bad in 4 minutes isn't ready before ordering.

By the way: Next time when buying a Big Mac with Coke acknowledge the fact that it takes 250 liters of fresh water to make one liter of Coke.

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