sunnuntai 12. elokuuta 2007

Just do it!

This is the mess that phrase got me into today..

I've always been afraid of high places, I mean I honestly don't like watching down from any place that is higher than 3 meters.

My "say yes to everything" got me today 10 meters above water level and there was only one way down. The good thing was that if I was to crap my pants I would be able to wash them immediately.

I started with 3 meters. didn't like it. Then I moved on to 5 meters. I felt dizzy but jumped. Next 7,5 meters. Shit it felt high. Finally I decided to see what the world looks from 10 meters. I looked scary! After few minutes of thinking I took a small step which felt like one of the hardest step of my life. The force of the impact hurt a bit but the adrenaline kept the pain away.

Before today I was sure that NO WAY would I jump down from anything higher than 5 meters but I did it.

Note: My previous record of jumping down to water was 3 meters and it happened when I was about 10. So about 15 years later I more than tripled my record!

2 kommenttia:

TCP kirjoitti...

Whoa! Uikkalaaaaaa!

Perro kirjoitti...

Kuopion uikkala :D a.k.a Vänäri