torstai 13. syyskuuta 2007


I was hard on Spanish postal service in my last blog but they sure as hell know how to screw things up in Finland as well! Sorry Spain. I take it all back!

Post just wants to divert all my mail to my fathers address even if they have my new address. So far, all my bills, important insurance papers, 5kg of HUPELLUS posters, all my social service papers, etc.. actually all my mail. It didn't help that I visited city administrative court, Post Office, city administrative court, wrote them e-mail... Nobody can do nothing. The woman in city administrative court said I'm not the first one..
FUCK POSTAL OFFICE! If I one day start a underground guerrilla movement it's sole purpose is to blow up all the postal offices of earth. E-mail me to join the movement.

Until that day, PEACE! This rat is leaving the boat just as soon as the opportunity rises. The boat is sinking, and it's sinking fast. Thank god that I can see land in the horizon. Now one bottle of vodka to help me forget these last 2 awful days.

OK OK OK. Post isn't LUCIFER and what really pisses me of is the fact that I've wasted 2 days of my life for absolutely nothing! Time is valuable in Finland! Shit, I've turned back into a bitching Finn...! It seems it's not enough to live in Spain for one year to get totally rid of hectic lifestyle... It's not "Fuck POST!" it's "FUCK THIS COUNTRY AND LIFESTYLE!" I don't want to turn back to the old me..shit shit shit. Next september 11th I'm going to blow the smoke of this joint and then Nomad will be heading south. 363 days to go (I reserve the right to change the date of departure by +-1 month.)

5 kommenttia:

TCP kirjoitti...

Is my cursing contagious?

I must have used the f word two dozens times in a few recent posts. I assure you I have my reasons (too) - as far as my hand and the fucks that I've been saying for it, according to the hand surgeon I have "st post compression manus dx." which means that our beloved car mechanic gave me chronic scarred muscle tissue and destroyed some small nerves, which may mean that I have to work my, well, ass off to keep my right hand muscles from atrofying!

Isn't that swell? Yeah, fuck that.

TCP kirjoitti...

The post cracked me up by the way. I have a sick sense of humor I guess.

Keep a lid on the vodka, okay? Don't overdo it.

The bottle of whisky that J and I drank, for what it's worth, wasn't huge and was mostly symbolic. He's a big guy and it was a long night.

Perro kirjoitti...

No it's not contagious. I'm always cursing. Online and offline.

I'm not really that pissed off. Or I was pissed of for a while but after 2 hours I'm was fine. It's just money and time I'm loosing.

Sometimes my black humor can be a bit strange for people to understand. Whole South of Europe for one doesn't understand my humor but hey, it's not my fault.

Nobody should take anything I write on this blog seriously. I write first then think. Just like I do in real life.

Oh, I skipped the vodka and went kicking innocent people in kickboxing. There is a time and place for alcohol and its Saturday in some smokeless bar..

*strange mumbling* but I'm still not here next autumn. hahhhahahahahahaahahaha *end of strange mumbling*

TCP kirjoitti...

Good for you. It's good to get out of this place, whether it's once in a while or for good. Finland is a strange country. Keep your spirits up, you'll get there and next year will be beautiful. Maybe this winter too! Lots to do up in Kuopio right? Maybe you could gather some skier friends together and visit Sotkamo you know... It's not far, it's an awesome place.

Itse asiassa vähän erikoista kirjoittaa sulle enkuksi, mutta kun meillehän se on ihan sama millä kielellä, kun molemmat menee ristiin kumminkin, enkä mä edes ajattele millä kielellä nää lähtee, sitä vaan rupee naputtamaan tekstia. Ts. mäkin taidan kirjoittaa ensin ja ajatella sitten - he he.

Perro kirjoitti...

Kyllä tästä hyvä talvi tulee! Luja tarkotus lähtee laskemaan Ranskaan 3-laaksoon, Zakopaneen ja pääsiäisenä vielä Hemsedaliin Hupelluksen mukana. Harmi vaan kun tää viimeinen vuosi on vähän kiireinen ni tahtoo koulu vähän häiritä harrastuksia.

Noitten jälkeen ei oikee Sotkamo enää maistu =D