torstai 20. maaliskuuta 2008

"Change, shit. I guess change is good for any of us" (2Pac)

Change happens way too slowly in our societies. Why is that? My guess is that all the innovative people are hired by commercial instances. Important people didn't get to be big bosses because they are smarter than the rest of us. They got to that position by having a vision of the future. The further you can see the bigger boss your going to be.

Imagine if these people were working in parliaments and nonprofitable organizations? I bet they would still have the same ability to see to the future. They would realize that oil is going to run out, nuclear isn't the solution, wars are bad for the country (in most cases), renewable energies are the future etc. and they would do something about it way sooner than "regular" people. Instead now people in charge of our countries are ex-celebrities, miss universe candidates and old sports figures. At least in Finland. (Well not entirely but still...)

How an earth are these people capable of making big decisions when needed when they've spent most of their lives in the gym watching THEIR waists or running around the forest because THEY want to be the best at Nordic skiing.

Change happens slowly because most of us are just like these politicians. Politicians think forward 4 years because of this thing called election. That's their Olympics or beauty competition. They don't care if food runs out in 9 years. Before that they have to be elected two more times and by telling people they have to start acting responsible NOW isn't going to help them get reelected. Selfishness is a bitch.

I'm sorry but our society wont change until we change these people to persons who posses a vision of the future. A vision of future other than firm tits or nice biceps! And the same goes for the citizens!

(I really like the idea of democracy but it's no good if the people don't act accordingly. If Finland is suppose to be the role model of this "movement" then this planet is doomed.)

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