maanantai 17. maaliskuuta 2008

They say I'm smart

I took an IQ test today. It's quite precise I think. I mean I've done few in my life and they all give the same result. This one told me my result was "top rate". My point average (131) was higher than 98% of the people.

This post isn't going to be about me bragging how smart I am. Although I have to say that it doesn't really make me feel bad to see the result... Anyways... Am I really smart? I don't feel any smarter than my friends even though I probably am (Finnish humor) :p

What does it mean to be smart in an IQ-test? Am I really smart or am I just good doing IQ-tests? I really don't know. I said I don't feel smarter than the rest and I stand by that statement. I'd say I feel more aware of things than many of my friends. I think about stuff a lot and I'm aware of things that are happening around me. I hate talking just about stuff that is meaningless. In school I feel frustrated if I'm not learning something. At home I can't just lay on my sofa and do nothing.

So I would never say that I'm smarter than 98% of people. I'd say I'm more active than 98% of people (that's an overstatement as well). Hell! I might even be more stupid than 98% of people by doing something all the time. Maybe everyone else are enjoying their lives thus making them smarter.. What the hell is this ´smart person´ made of?

I don't know. I'm not smart. I just want to become smart with myself.

Interested of the IQ-test? It takes about 40 minutes. Dare you find out if your smart or not?
IQ-test (in Finnish)

( I just finished my thesis for school and I can honestly say that now I feel smarter. I don't mean education wise. Now I'm able to use my brains again after 3 months of boring work. Writing feels natural again and it feels like I can finally relax.)

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