An hour ago a lady rang me and told that my add design was one of the top 10 of this years Newspaper Union's national competition that was open to all design students in Finland.
I'm quite happy. I mean I didn't win the competition but considering that I spent 3,5 hours (doesn't include planning) to make the poster and post it. So I'd say I'm pretty pleased. 3,5 hours because I forgot the deadline was that day.
Work time includes: printing a photo of a shoe in school, going home, making a small "photography studio", shooting the idea, editing the photo, finalizing the work, going back to school to print the work, realizing that the photo is too yellow, editing the photo, having to change the fonts of the work to really tastless fonts: 'Impact' & 'Helvetica' (those are the NO NO's of graphic design right after 'comic sans'), fighting with the printer for 1 hour, finally succeeding (still not being happy with the print quality), going to post office, using 9 euros to envelopes and stamps, mailing the envelope and going home.
So being number 2-10 of Finland is just fine for me. Now Helsinki and award ceremony here I come.
Oh and the final work.
(Actually it's stupid to write this blog entry in english since the competition is in Finnish and the slogan points to one of our ministers and foreign politics. :D well, not going to write all this again.. )
The colors are actually not as bad as this web-version of the print might suggest.
keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2007
Top 10 material
written by Perro time 16.46 4 comments
Tags: competition winner, graphic design
sunnuntai 28. lokakuuta 2007
lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2007
Blogi vinkki
Mietin pitkään laitanko tämän linkin blogiini. Tässä se nyt tulee silläkin uhalla että saan sovinistin leiman otsaani.
Tässä yhteydessä täytyy sanoa että en laita linkkiä teille sen takia että olisin blogin kantavan idean suuri fani. Mutta kun pääset otsikon ohi ja alat luea blogia saatat nähdä sen nerokkuuden. Kaveri on ainakin verbaalisesti nerokas.
Minusta tämä blogi on yhdenmiehen vastaus Sex and the City-sarjalle. Seksi myy. Ilman seksiä tätä blogia tuskin lukisi kukaan. Itse uskallan jopa kyseenalaistaa blogin todenperäisyyden. Se peruteluista. Lukekaa itse ja päättäkää sitten olenko sika vai en ja onko kirjoittaja sika vai ei? Oma mielipiteeni molempiin on: ei.
Blogin esipuhe
ja itse blogi:
Sata naista
written by Perro time 16.42 4 comments
perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2007
This movie You really have to see
Call me crazy or paranoid. Some conspiracy theories might very well be true.
Just finished an interesting documentary about religion and politics and our money systen and I have to say its scary. 'Scary' is the only word I can think of right now.
So the challenge is for you to watch the movie and make me look really stupid by telling me which points in the movie are totally made up. Especially the economics part is something I know nothing about.
You can watch it online:
or download the torrent (I'm 100% sure this guy wont sue you):
download here.
So make me look stupid and tell me what is wrong with this documentary. Tell me I'm paranoid and an idiot for even considering this kind of stuff to be the truth. I really want you to diss me on this one.
ps. it's at least better than latest Pirates of the Caribbean.
written by Perro time 0.36 7 comments
Tags: human behavior, politics, religion
torstai 25. lokakuuta 2007
5 months of stress to come...
Two projects before I can graduate. Both for friends so I really don't want to screw these up. The first one shouldn't be a problem but my final project for school really requires me to step up a gear. So a bit of stress between shoulders.
The funny thing about stress, at least for me, is that if I do anything else except work I feel guilty. When I should be studying how to program but I'm chatting I feel guilty. When I'm with my friends eating a bit longer than I need to I feel guilty and start worrying. When I'm reading magazines instead of trying to invent a good idea for my project I feel unease. Worrying leads to frustration, frustration leads to fear and fear leads to suffer, or how did Yoda say to Luke..
I know that by pushing yourself your're suppose to learn new stuff and become a better person etc. But what's the point if you get ulcer, sleep deprivation and red eyes. I guess not being interested of any sport at the moment doesn't help. But hey this is the Finnish style of living and there is no room for complaining. Perform, perform, perform..
I wonder why Finns suffer from depression and heart attacks and high blood pressure... And please don't say reason for alcoholism is our low price of beer. That's just stupid!
I've got two other projects, a bit smaller ones, and they are going to be part of my weekly routine. First I'm going to feel guilty for writing to my blog when I should be studying and the second is that I'm going to get drunk on saturday. Those will be the 12 hours when I'm not going to worry about anything and I'm going to sleep like a log.
EDIT: thing about inventing and creating is that when you do get a good idea it's really a nice feeling. But still "worrying" vs. "nice feeling" -ratio is hard to keep balanced.
EDIT2: For now I'm relieved. I thought of a OK idea that I could work with. Tonight I'm going to sleep without worries. One good idea a day keeps the insomnia away.
written by Perro time 20.43 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
keskiviikko 24. lokakuuta 2007
Kulttuuriministerimme suosikkileffa
Koettakaa arvata mikä on kulttuuri- ja urheiluministerimme suosikkielokuva?
välilukemista: Wallin tiukan testin edessä.
Saataisiinkohan Suomeen joskus kulttuuriministeri joka on oikeasti kiinnostunut kulttuurista. Edellinen oli tietysti ex-missi joten ehkä se kuvaa suomalaisten kulttuuria varsin osuvasti. Missi ja kulttuuriministeri! Jotenkin nuo kaksi sanaa eivät minusta sovi yhteen aivan kuten Titanic ja kulttuuriministeri!!!
Suomalaiset ajattelevat kaiken tehokkuuden kannalta se tässä kusee. Ei kulttuuri ole tehokasta! Jos faarao olisi halunnut olla tehokas hän olisi rakentanut kansalleen taloja eikä itselleen hautaa. Suomalaiset rakentavat iteselleen tehokkaita elementtikerrostaloja ja siinä samalla kulttuurihautaa.
written by Perro time 11.26 1 comments
Tags: kulttuuri
tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2007
What movie to watch after Pirates of the Caribbean IV?
Ok, now I really need help. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (that's the 4th I think). It was the biggest piece of shit I've seen in a long time. I honestly don't even know why I saw it. Someone is controlling my so called free will!
What an earth should I watch after that piece of garbage that destroyed 2h 40 minutes(!!!) of my life during two nights (first night I fell asleep because it was too boring)?!?!?
written by Perro time 20.12 2 comments
Tags: movies
sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2007
F1 Victory!
Sorry Brazil, Sorry Germany, Sorry Spain, Sorry England, but you can't beat Finns in racing!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Now we have something that bonds us to Italians.
written by Perro time 21.10 0 comments
Tags: F1
keskiviikko 17. lokakuuta 2007
Viikon mielenkiintoisin uutinen
Mielenkiintoisin uutinen tällä viikolla, vaikken mikään kotimaisen politiikan ystävä olekaan. Tosin tällä kertaa kun olemme pelinappula isojen poikien valtataistelussa, mielenkiinto hiukan herää.
written by Perro time 21.59 1 comments
Tags: politiikka
See this movie!
I don't think they gave this guy the Nobel peace price of stuff he made up..
..and here is the response from the the people in power that control their nation. Watch the movie and then watch this clip again.
An Inconvenient Truth is something that really should be shown in every school and work. Especially in the parliaments of all the countries. Popcorn and juice for the MP's and free movie night for all the politicians!
If you don't watch this movie and force 10 friends to see it you will die! This is meant to be one of those "letters" that you have to put to circulation. The only difference to other letters is that this one might actually be true. See the movie!
written by Perro time 9.57 1 comments
Tags: earth, human behavior, judgement day
maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2007
Kaikki Pikajunaan!
Koittaakohan joskus päivä jolloin minusta on hyvä idea ostaa (lue: raaskin ostaa) junassa limsan, täytetyn ruisleivän ja euron omenan. Sinä päivänä luen luultavasti Optio-lehteä ja keskustelen uuteen Nokiaani koko junamatkan työpuheiluita. En haluaisi ihan vielä (tai ehkä koskaan) lähteä siihen vaiheeseen elämässäni. Toisaalta koskaan ei voi tietää mitä tulevaisuus tuo tullessaan joten tuokin skenaario voi olla täysin mahdollinen. Toivottavasti Optio-lehden ja nykyhetken väliin kuitenkin mahtuu vielä monta mielenkiintoista tapahtumaa.
Tulevaisuus ei tuoksu miltään. Sehän tässä vähän pelottaakin. Tuo junan ruisleipä taas puolestaan tuoksuisi todella herkulliselta. Se on kuitenkin ehkä vielä pelottavampaa. Tarjolla oleva ruisleipä olisi myös turvallinen valinta, mutta sen terveysvaikutukset uskallan kuitenkin jo tässä vaiheessa elämääni kyseenalaistaa.
written by Perro time 19.51 0 comments
Tags: pikajuna
keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2007
My next media appearance will be...
..yes it's radio. Some radio produced read my interview from local newspaper and now he wants me to some morning show in Radio YLE Savo to talk about low budget traveling and traveling in general.
I have no idea where I'm sticking my head into but since I've decided to say "YES" to these things I have to go. The real reason is that it could be interesting or at least a new experience.
Of course this isn't the first time I'm on radio. Last time I was interviewing a guy who won the Finnish Music Producer of the year - trophy in Emma ceremony... ok, ok that was 9 years ago...
My next step is obviously TV and then I'll run for European Parliament. Oh, before that maybe some Big Brother just to let people know where I'm going since I'm going to bee way too busy and famous to write some lame ass blogs.
written by Perro time 14.06 0 comments
tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2007
A guy from Mac-service called and told me there is nothing they can do to restore the data from my broken hard-drive.
I really don't know if I should start remembering what was in there or just move on. First things I can remember are some long reports I had written for school = 10h work (never returned them so I have to write them again), information concerning my final project for school = 50-200 hours of work or so, all the graphic design ideas that I wrote down = priceless. Thank god, I mean my brains, that I wrote fraction of that stuff down on some old fashioned paper.. At least my own Hard-drive(brain) is still working quite well. I guess that's what counts at the end of the day.. but still...
1,5 weeks vacation starts day after tomorrow. I need it to reboot my system and find some new stuff to do. It really feels strange to start everything from an empty table, virtually and physically.
written by Perro time 15.31 0 comments
Tags: reboot
maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2007
3rd strike and I'm out!
Today I went to see a doctor concerning my shoulder. He twisted my shoulders to every direction and couldn't really find anything wrong with it except that it's loose. He gave me a go ahead to continue training, but told me that I should be careful not the dislocate it again while it's healing since it would make things worse.
So after that I went sparring with my friends and after 4 rounds I was about to hit my friend in the face but he dodged and my fist missed the target and continued moving forward. Result: 3rd dislocated shoulder and my career as a kickboxer is now officially over.
There are no words for this feeling.
written by Perro time 18.23 4 comments
Tags: retirement
lauantai 6. lokakuuta 2007
Artficial life is here
Human made Artificial life. So before we found artificial life, we decided to make some. Human made artificial life will brings up some interesting philosophical questions in the near future.
written by Perro time 23.26 0 comments
Tags: human behavior, philosophy
Ympäristöystävällisestä yritystoimintaa ja sotimista
Tällä kertaa asialla Neste ympäristöystävällisine hankkeineen.
Toinen Greenpeace aiheinen uutinen. 390 miljoonan euroa tarvittaisiin Amazonin pelastamiseen. Tällä hetkellä Yhdysvallat käyttää 500 000 dollaria, n. 700 000euroa per minuutti Irakin sotaan (lähde: Time magazine). Tämä tarkoittaisi että Yhdysvallat yksinään olisi pelastanut tuolla sijoittamisella Amazonin sademetsät 557 minuutissa. Tämä tarkoittaa siis noin 10 tuntia Irakin sodassa.
10 tuntia sotimista = Amazonin pelastaminen. Siinä on yhtälö joka pistää miettimään, ainakin hetkeksi.
written by Perro time 17.12 0 comments
Tags: human behavior, nature
torstai 4. lokakuuta 2007
*UPDATE* Luck is changing, or is it something else.. I don't care!!
Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine through messenger. She had found her camera that she lost in our crap-party. The same day her computer broke down..
I told: One technology returned home and other left the place.
WELL! Here is the "funny" part:
Yesterday when I shut down my laptop I had to force it to close.. (hardly ever happens to Mac)
Next Morning postman woke me up after 4 hours of sleep at 7 o'clock. My new 22" wide screen arrived. NICE! I decided to try it but something was wrong. My lapton couldn't find the hard drive. After 2 hours of fighting nothing helped so I'm quite convinced my hard drive has exploded. That means everything inside it is probably lost.
All my work, all my writing, all my ideas for different design, my life, EVERYTHING.
I had a meeting with a teacher this morning concerning my final thesis, which also dissapeared. She was amazed how calm I was. I just told her "zeros and ones, zeros and ones".
I bought a "new" old mac from school with 70 euros. That with my new display and it's ALMOST like nothing happend. Just missing 60GB of info and the fact that my stomach is upset. No biggie.
written by Perro time 11.26 1 comments
Tags: mac
tiistai 2. lokakuuta 2007
Korea or Mexico...
The good thing that I'm still studying at the university computer science, at the same time with graphic design, is the fact that when I graduate next spring I can keep on studying in university the next fall. Just between you and me I have no intention of graduating from university as grad. student (bachelor's degree will do for me). The nice thing is that I can do another exchange program through university..
I've narrowed my choices down to 2 candidates: South-Korea and Mexico. I've got about 4 months to decide which one I prefer. Of course it's not a Sure Thing that they take me, but computer science students aren't really social people so I think leaving Finland behind shouldn't be a problem.
I'm kind of interested of Korea since I know nothing about it. Mexico and surfing and spanish language. Korea and culture. Mexico and food. Korea and mysticism. Mexico and Fiesta. Korea, Asia. Mexico, South America.. Damn, it will hard to decide! At the moment I think Korea... argh!
If you know anything about these countries do let me know.
written by Perro time 14.00 4 comments
Tags: exchange