tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2007

What movie to watch after Pirates of the Caribbean IV?

Ok, now I really need help. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (that's the 4th I think). It was the biggest piece of shit I've seen in a long time. I honestly don't even know why I saw it. Someone is controlling my so called free will!

What an earth should I watch after that piece of garbage that destroyed 2h 40 minutes(!!!) of my life during two nights (first night I fell asleep because it was too boring)?!?!?

2 kommenttia:

TCP kirjoitti...

You know what? I feel your pain. We had a girls' movie night last week and watched Original Sin with Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas. Someone had recommended it (!) and it was so bad, we were howling. Okay, two of us were howling and the one who got the movie, she was not. It was just AWFUL. The plot made no sense, and the acting was terrible. It was hilarious.


One critic said that the only real sin was that they ever produced that movie in the first place!

... and yes, we can NEVER get those minutes back!!!! :D At least we can joke about them. Perhaps the Worst Movie Ever Produce.

Perro kirjoitti...

The first thought after these bad movies is always "Why would anyone make this crap?"

I think I figured it out.. It's something called money. There can't be any other reason. Next year we are going to see sequals such as: Rambo IV, JAWS 5(?), Incredible Hulk, Indiana Jones, Chronicles of Narnia, Hellboy 2, The Mummy 4(?), James Bond... etc...

We all know these movies are going to suck but still people see them. MPAA knows that and they cash on us and at the same time they cry about downloading. I think that allows us to cry over shitty movies and demand our lost time back (which is priceless).

These days it's impossible to name the worst movie EVER, because movies just keep getting worse by the sequal.

My opinion is that 90% writers and producers in Hollywood suck or they are not allowed to express their ideas freely.

It can't be easy to express yourself while Warner tells you to cast Jay Z and Britney and make a blockbuster so that everyone can buy a new house in the Hills.