keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2007

Top 10 material

An hour ago a lady rang me and told that my add design was one of the top 10 of this years Newspaper Union's national competition that was open to all design students in Finland.

I'm quite happy. I mean I didn't win the competition but considering that I spent 3,5 hours (doesn't include planning) to make the poster and post it. So I'd say I'm pretty pleased. 3,5 hours because I forgot the deadline was that day.

Work time includes: printing a photo of a shoe in school, going home, making a small "photography studio", shooting the idea, editing the photo, finalizing the work, going back to school to print the work, realizing that the photo is too yellow, editing the photo, having to change the fonts of the work to really tastless fonts: 'Impact' & 'Helvetica' (those are the NO NO's of graphic design right after 'comic sans'), fighting with the printer for 1 hour, finally succeeding (still not being happy with the print quality), going to post office, using 9 euros to envelopes and stamps, mailing the envelope and going home.

So being number 2-10 of Finland is just fine for me. Now Helsinki and award ceremony here I come.

Oh and the final work.
(Actually it's stupid to write this blog entry in english since the competition is in Finnish and the slogan points to one of our ministers and foreign politics. :D well, not going to write all this again.. )

The colors are actually not as bad as this web-version of the print might suggest.

4 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...


Luin näitä tuoreesta vanhaan. Onneksi olkoon. Tuletko sitten Hesaan parin viikon päästä 15.11.? Onko palkintojenjako silloin? Jos tarttet majapaikkaa, niin ilmoittelethan.

HALAUS! Tosi mainio idea. Woohoo!

Perro kirjoitti...

Joo 15 pv. pitäs heilauttaa ittensä Finlandia-talolle. Varmaan meen AK:n luo majailee jos jään maisemiin kun pitäisi pitää yksi asiakastapaaminen kaverin kanssa joka asuu siinä ihan vieressä. Mutta jospa kävis ryystää teet jossain välissä jos ennättä.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Mennään! Onko sulla mun numero? Laitan sen meilissä jos ei ole.

Perro kirjoitti...

kyl mul on. AK:lta kopsasin.