Why on earth can't they just say "from every item you buy we give x amount of money to Africa." or something like that. But I guess this is cheaper.. Environmental friendly image and dozen or so new trees. I mean probably 1% of all the Kellogg's eaters are going to collect these tokens.
So let's see:
• TV adds across USA: few million dollars (no idea of the actual price).
• Animation of the add: about 20 000USD
• few hundred trees to Africa: 200 trees *15USD=3000 USD
And it doesn't really matter if it's 200 trees or 2000 trees. The money for the actual trees is still going to be only a fraction of the money they spent on the adds. The part given to Africa will be even smaller if you compare it to the profits
of this campaign and how it's going to affect their sales of sugared pieces of corn.
I wonder why Kellogg's products are sometimes twice as expensive as other similar products? I can assure you it's not because they give half of their profits to charity! My guess is people just buy their products without comparing the prices.
"Kellog's cornflakes, hey I remember Kellogg's from the nationwide advertisement campaign on TV and newspaper. It must be a good product unlike these RAKCKS cornflakes.."
It's a f*#&€ bag of cornflake! How big price differences can be in a piece of corn that is cooked?
For me it's really twisted that big companies try to save the world by putting plastic tokens in to their products and urging people to buy more. How the hell is that going to make a difference?
Here is a piece of advice for all you corporate executives:
•Make an TV add that lasts 5 seconds.
•On the add put text "Less money for NBC/ABC/CNN/FOX. More money for Greenpeace/WWF/etc.."
• And to the bottom of the add your fancy logo!
That's it! It's more believable and it actually does something good.
This advice was free. The next one is going to cost you something. HELL! I'm feeling so generous that I'll even make you a layout of the add.
Adds need to make people think not to just acknowledge things.
Writing/making this post took me 15 minutes. As a freelancer I cost 40 euros an hour. So that add cost 10 euros. If YOU marketing director are feeling generous as well, for a student that 10 euros would mean a lot. Hell I'm feeling extra-generous today. Give that money to WWF.
maanantai 31. joulukuuta 2007
Save the world by eating serials
written by Perro time 16.48 2 comments
Tags: environment, human behavior
sunnuntai 30. joulukuuta 2007
My final project for school PART_1
Before christmas I talked to two professors of my school. They both told me indirectly that my project is a bit big for the time that is reserved for making it. The fact that I'm going to be traveling 1,5 months of the reserved 3 months for this project isn't really helping.. hahaha.
I'm making a Flash-game(a game you can play with your browser) for a company.
I mean it is a big project. It just might even be too big for me to finish it in time. But it's not "fair" for my teachers to tell me that I'm not able to finish it in time. Hell! I prefer taking too big project that actually forces me to learn new stuff.
I could design a visual appearance for some company but there is nothing new in that. This is the problem in our school. They are not forcing/making us to learn new stuff in our own time. I think students need balanced amount of support and forcing if school expects them to evolve to something and learn new stuff.
I know these two teachers didn't mean anything personal by telling me to make my project a bit smaller. It's their long experience saying that these things finally fail. Is it pessimism or realism? I don't know and don't really care. I'm planning to show them that it was pessimism, at least this time. Still, little support would be nice.
written by Perro time 13.40 3 comments
Tags: graphic design, school
lisää töitä
Halutaan nostaa työpanosta. Saa nostaa ihan yksinään.
written by Perro time 1.52 0 comments
lauantai 29. joulukuuta 2007
me walk, you rich
For me it's funny that someone is making money from the fact that I walk down the street.
Think about it:
--> I walk
--> I see adds on the streets
--> someone gets richer
But who is this someone. Well first it's the owner of the street, the city where I'm walking. The city sells space for a company. In Finland this company is JCDecaux. They buy the space. Now what do they do with the space... They put up poles and signs and sell that space to someone else...
So who is this someone else? On this particular street it's a sports equipment company. But where do they need the space? Oh, they're selling Asics tennis shoes. Well ok..
At this point I look down on the ground and see that I'm wearing Asics shoes. Shit! So it seems that it's not ´someone´ who is making money from the fact that I'm walking down the street, it's ME who is losing money by walking down the street and everyone else is getting richer.
I wonder how much would a pair of tennis shoes cost if I was to buy them without the middle men (city, JcDecaux, sports equipment company etc..)? 10 euros? LESS?!
I'm going barefoot!
I wonder if there is a country without streets full of signs trying to make me poorer? Cuba!?! Fidel!!! don't die on me just yet! I'm coming!
written by Perro time 17.40 4 comments
Tags: cuba, human behavior
Not once did I think of Jesus
I just realized that not once did I think of Jesus and his supposed day of birth during christmas week. Now that's funny!
written by Perro time 17.27 1 comments
torstai 20. joulukuuta 2007
Strange world
Tämä yhteenveto ei ole käytettävissä. Näytä postaus klikkaamalla tätä.
written by Perro time 22.01 0 comments
Tags: strange world
Two of the most useless presents..EVER!
These two items can be purchased from grocery store called Lidl all over Europe.
The texts are in Finnish so I'll do a quick translation.
1. Digital wine temperature measurer
- Shows you the right serving temperature
- Includes batteries
- It has preprogrammed different types of wines
2. Portable?!?!? Karaoke-machine
- Integrated camera and 5,5" clear black-and-white monitor where you can observe the person who is singing! (WTF!!!! He/she is right there!! Where the fuck do you need a black and white monitor!!!!!!)
- Integrated camera that can be connected through video-OUT to your TV
- Loads of different functions
- supports: CD/ CD-R/ CD-G
- CD and DECK-player (WTF!!! DECK PLAYER!?!?!?)
- Video and audio IN/OUT
(this thing doesn't even have lyrics of the songs displayed so I'm not convinced it CAN even be called a Karaoke-machine.)
I wonder what the person who is assembling these machines is thinking of the world.. I would have probable killed myself or someone else after 1000 karaoke-machines!
written by Perro time 14.53 0 comments
Tags: christmas, human behavior, presents
keskiviikko 19. joulukuuta 2007
Erota arvot teoistasi ja liitä ne takaisin yhteen
"Suomen maajoukkue on huolissaan ilmastonmuutoksesta, joten yhteistyö Defa-tuotteiden kanssa sopii hyvin joukkueen arvoihin.”
Törmäsin tällaiseen lauseeseen EDGE:n numerossa 3/2007. Defa:n arvot pitävät sisällään huolen kestävästä kehityksestä. Mikään yritys ei voi nykyään elää ilman tuota lausetta heidän yrityskuvauksessaan. Defa ei ole tässä tapauksessa poikkeus. Kaiken maailmanpelastamisen lisäksi kestävän kehityksen arvoilla voidaan lisäksi myydä enemmän tuotteita, sillä ostavathan kuluttajat mielummin kestäviä ratkaisuja. Kaikki siis voittavat. Vai voittavatko sittenkään.
Katsokaas kun ongelma tässä kaikessa ei ole autojen kylmänä startattavat moottorit vaikka toki nekin sylkevät kirpeänä talviaamuna ilmoille aimo annoksen saasteita. Ongelma tässä kuvassa on että näitä autoja on vain aivan liikaa.
Mitä me itse olemme valmiita uhraamaan estääksemme ilmastonmuutoksen. Onko itsensä parantamista se että ostamme tuotteen joka on ympäristöystävällisempi? Onko muutosta se että ostamme uuden tuotteen sen takia että meillä on varaa siihen? Pitäisi käsittää että ostaminen ei ole se ratkaisu vaan ratkaisu on se ettei osteta. Ilmastonmuutosta ajatellen kadulla kerjäävä koditon on 1000 kertaa ympäristöyställisempi ihminen kuin sinä. Ostamalla vain päivität nykyistä tavaramäärääsi mutta et oikeastaan vähennä sieltä mitään. Luopuminen on paljon vaikeampi teko kuin uuden tavaran hankinta, vaikka se uuden ostaminen olisikin ympäristölle muita vastaavia vaihtoehtoja puhtaampi.
Ei puhdasta tuotetta ole olemassakaan. Kaikki on valmistettu jostain. Aina kun ostat jotain se kaivetaan maankamarasta jolla sinä seisot. Ostamme siis maata pois omien jalkojemme alta. Nyt olemme eristäneet itsemme siitä. Välissä on soraa, betonia, tiilä. Olemme päällystäneet alustan jolla kävelemme kuolleella maalla, jossa mitään ei elä. Voit hyvin elää pitämällä kenkiä jalassa koko elämäsi ottamatta niitä koskaan pois, mutta se ei tee hyvää jaloillesi.
Sinä olet aivan yhtä paljon osa maata kuin ikkunasta näkyvä puu. Te molemmat tarvitsette maata. Se kasvaakseen aivan kuten sinäkin. Jos maanpinta kuolee kuivuuden takia niin meiltä ei lopu se kuollut materiaali jolla me eristämme itsemme luonnosta vaan, vaan meiltä loppuu kaikki elävä materilaali. Ongelma tässä on että ihminen ei voi elää ilman elävää luontoa. Kivillä ei mikään puu kasva isoksi.
Ajatellaanpa jälleen esimerkin kautta jotta asia on helpompi käsittää. Jos lämpötila nousee, maa kuivuu, viljeltävä pinta-ala pienenee, kaadetaan lisää puita. Tämä sykli jatkukoon täällä. Mennää toisaalle: Liian vähän ruokaa tarkoittaa nälkäisiä ihmisiä. Mikä tarkoittaa väkivaltaisuuksia. Hei! eihän tämä liikuta minun valkoista suomi persettäni vielä millään! Odota nyt vähän, malttia! Aina yhtä hätäisenä tekemään omia johtopäätöksiä... Väkivaltaisuudet tarkoittavat epävakaampia seutuja maapallolla, tämä saattaa ajaa kokonaiset alueet valtaviin kriiseihin. Tässä vaiheessa sinun perseesi astuu kuvioon. Epävakaus, talouskriisi, lama, vähän rahaa, ruokapula, nousevat hinnat, kamppailu luonnonvaroista jne... Olet ravintoketjun huipulla ja omallatunnollasi on vain vähän kuollutta maata vaikka itseasiassa olet vastuussa suurimmista tuhoista. Sitä on tietysti vaikea pienen ihmisen käsittää ja monia ei kiinnosta edes käsittää. Itsekeskeisyys ja oman perseen suojelu ovat ikäviä piirteitä ihmisissä. Myös minussa.
Kun kato on käynyt keskuudessamme, maapallo alkaa stabiloitumaan. Tosin ei ihan seuraavalla askeleella, eikä edes sitäseuraavalla. Jokunen miloona vuotta ja pari jääkautta luultavasti tasoittavat tilanteen takaisin siihen että kuollut maa uudistuu ja sen päälle kasvaa maata.
Eli eikö olisi aika lakata nousemasta ylös vuorta ja laskemasta sitä takaisin alas, eteenkin jos se on päällystetty tykkilumella ja jaloissa on eristeenä 5cm muovia jalkapohjan ja oikean maanpinnan välissä. Minä en tässä vaadi freestylelaskijoita silmätikuiksi, (vaikka he eivät seiso omien arvojensa takana 100 prosenttisesti vaan haluavat sillä sponsorirahaa toteuttaakseen omaa yritystoimintaansa. Arvoista on tullut kauppatavaraa) koska et voi etkä saa syyttää nykyisestä tilanteesta ketään muuta. On vain todettava peili kädessä että DEFA:aa tuskin tarvitaan tulevaisuudessa jos tämä meno jatkuu. Vasta tämän jälkeen on aika ajatella isompaa kuvaa.
Se mitä teet ja mihin uskot ovat nyt kaksi eri asiaa vaikka niiden pitiäisi minusta olla sama asia. Mitä teet työksesi, kenelle myyt ja mitä myyt. Voit lopettaa milloin vain! Aivan varmasti tilallesi tulee uusi henkilö, aluksi. Ajan myötä kun tarpeeksi usea ihminen yhdistää arvonsa ja tekonsa takaisin yhteen he voivat vaikuttaa sen kautta siihen mihin he uskovat. Jopa meidän oma ihmishistoriamme todistaa tämän väitteen todeksi. Liikeet syrjöyttävät toisia liikkeitä. Siksi kasvavia liikkeitä pelätään ja ne yritetään rauhoittaa, hyvällä tai pahalla. Al-Qaida on liike siinä missä sudenpennutkin. Jos liike saa huomiota ja kannatusta se kasvaa. Toisten annetaan kasvaa, toisten ei.
Mainitsin äsken että arvoista on tullut rahanarvoista kauppatavaraa. Tämä jo itsessään todistaa väitteeni että arvot ovat lopulta sama asia kuin teot. Sillä jos arvoista oltaisiin valmiita maksamaan niin minähän voisin alkaa tekemään asioita joita muut ihmiset arvostavat. Suojelemaan luontoa, pitämään huolta nuorista, suojelemaan ihmisiä rikollisilta... Hupsista, siitähän maksetaan jo! Pitämällä yllä muiden arvoja voikin elättää itsensä.. Eli voisin sittenkin saada elantoni elämällä täysin arvojeni mukaan. Yhdistäisin arvot ja teot enkä tuntisi enää mielipahaa ja ahdistusta uhrattuani aikaa arvoille joita en oikeasti kannata.
Meidät on jollain tasolla saatu oudosti uskomaan että kaikki se mitä ostamme on arvojemme mukaista. Mielikuvat ovat ottaneet vallan ja syrjäyttäneet oikeat arvot. Nokian brändi, imago, miksi ikinä sitä haluat kutsua on arvoltaan 30 miljardia dollaria. Eli mielikuva Nokiasta on sen arvoinen. Arvot ovat realisoituneet rahaksi vaikkei arvoilla ole oikeasti mitään tekemistä rahan kanssa. Me murehdimme siitä miltä näyttää ensi kesän muoti ja se millä autolla kaarramme työpaikan pihaaan. Se on kuin meidät olisi hypnotisoitu uskomaan että arvomaailma jossa elämme vastaa tekoja joita päivittäin teemme, vaikka näin ei oikeasti ole. Mieti sitä. Minä en ala moralisoimaan sillä en itsekään osaa vielä täysin erottaa sitä mitkä ovat arvoni ja miten ne eroavat siitä mitä oikeasti teen, vaikkakin nämä kaksi sanaa ovatkin minusta jo yhtä.
Toivottavasti ymmärrät etten yritä tätä kirjoittamalla pelastaa maailmaan ilmastonlämpenemiseltä. Minä en kuulu Greenpeace:iin, en nuoriin Vihreisiin tai edes S-ketjun jäseniin. Yritän tätä kirjoittamalla pelastaa meidät myymästä arvojamme jotka muut sitten realisoivat rahaksi ja joilla he sitten rikastuvat tuhoten yhteisen planeettamme ja arvomme. Minusta arvot ja teot pitäsi yhdistää ajatellessa luontoa, ajatellessa partneria, ajatellessa lapsia. On suorastaan tyhmää uskoa arvoihin jotka on kirjoitettu kirjoihin ja kiviin. Tämän sijasta pitäisi uskoa niihin arvoihin jotka tiedämme tosiksi ilman kenenkään toisen neuvojakin. Jokainen löytää nämä arvot kunhan pystyy irrottautumaan hetkeksi keinotekoisesta arvomaailmasta jota meille syötetään joka suunnalta. Melkoinen saarna tästä kappaaleesta tuli mutta idea on ettet kuuntele minua tai ketään muutakaan vaan itseäsi. Toivottavasti myös tajua ettei muutos tapahdu viikonlopun aikana ostamalla biojätepussi, vaikka siitä onkin ehkä hyvä aloittaa. Muutos on helppo aloittaa ja opasteita löytyy matkanvarrella kunhan jaksaa etsiä.
Näin siis kirjoittaa mies joka on valmistumassa graafikoksi ja jonka pitäisi mennä mainostoimistoon tai muuhun vastaavaan yritykseen töihin ja yrittää saada teidät kaikki ostamaan lisää auton lohkolämmittimiä. Ja joka rakastaa laskettelua. Jotenkin tuntuu että nuo arvot ja teot eivät oikein kohtaisi... Jos ei muuta niin pääsette nauramaan minulle ja arvoilleni parin vuoden päästä jos satun suunnittelemaan Hesburgerille uutta mainoskampanjaa. Siihen saakka minä nauran teille muille! (no en oikeasti mutta sillee ehkä vähän hymähtelen kuitenkin..)
written by Perro time 16.18 2 comments
Tags: human behavior
maanantai 17. joulukuuta 2007
My old mobile
Just found few of my old mobiles that are full of messages. There is some strange shit in there. Stuff and people I didn't even remember ever existing.. I'm having flashbacks.
Funny this should happen now when I about to do something really stupid.. Maybe I should learn something from the past..
written by Perro time 15.50 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
keskiviikko 12. joulukuuta 2007
Theory 1: Global Warming
Climate change in planet Earth is nothing but Chemotherapy of the Universe.
Earth is a cell and there is something that is eating it. IT needs to be boiled alive from the inside.
written by Perro time 22.01 3 comments
Tags: nature
lauantai 8. joulukuuta 2007
Detective books predict the future
I mean it wasn't long ago when you read this kind of stuff from crime novels. Nowadays it's reality. So if you want to know the future start reading detective and action books.
Funniest thing for this piece of news is that there are only 3 possible outcomes.
1. This old man is declared crazy by the goverment. Life continues as it was.
2. The news is overshadowed by new intelligent report that tells there are terrorist in country called JIRISKLAND. Nobody knows where it is but it sounds like they could kill us all!!! DO SOMETHING!!! BOMB SOMETHING!! I'M SCARED!!
3. This thing blows wide open and the head of NSA is fired. Then new man/woman replaces him and they start from the beginning to plan new way to watch over us.
So nothing is going to change as long as the same a-holes are in charge of that dumb ass country. (Edit:the country isn't stupid. But their leaders are.)
written by Perro time 17.40 1 comments
torstai 6. joulukuuta 2007
A Break For My Complaining Neigbor
Today I started cleaning my flat and after a while decided to take my carpet outside and beat the life out of it. Then I remembered my complaining neighbor and the fact that it's independence day. I decided to give the old woman a break and decided to continue my cleaning task tomorrow.
I saw the woman few days ago while hanging my laundry in the drying room. She was there at the same time and babbling about some unimportant stuff.
She asked me:
"Isn't it prohibited to cover the drying machine with clothes?"
"I don't know and I don't think it's that big of a deal if a piece of sweater touches the machine."
She replied:
"Well it would be a big deal to my husband. He was very precise with everything!"
At that point I realized that this woman hasn't been like this all her life. Her dead husband was strict and then she became like that too. Or maybe she become bittered after his death and now is living the strict life like her husband used to live.
Anyway the point is she was influenced by someone and then became something else. Everything influences everything so shouldn't we act accordingly. You can't expect people to act politely or any other way if you don't act like that yourself.
I'm trying to stop criticizing people but today I was watching the presidents party from tv with 4 girls and criticizing all the guests and their appearances. I think I took few steps backwards on that bath.. (But it was funny as hell!)
written by Perro time 22.22 0 comments
Tags: culture
maanantai 3. joulukuuta 2007
Movie tip of the week
Last weekend I saw in the movies two really good movies concerning climate change and some other interesting issues.
Manufactured Landscapes
The 11th hour
Both are really good documentaries. I think I became a vegetarian after these movies. Well I still have some chicken in the cold and some maksalaatikko so let's say I'm semi-vegetarian now.
written by Perro time 19.43 0 comments
Tags: movies
sunnuntai 25. marraskuuta 2007
Nice Website
epicfu full of good links to other sites like Eart Clock andopen library and free music from Moby to your independent video.
written by Perro time 15.43 0 comments
Tags: www
perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2007
Messenger Virus
If I were you I wouldn't give this site my passwords! I'm not totally sure but I bet it's a virus of some sort!
Curiosity is a bitch. Let it be.
written by Perro time 23.23 0 comments
Tags: virus
keskiviikko 21. marraskuuta 2007
keskiviikko 14. marraskuuta 2007
Go West
Or did I mean 'Copy West'. Who cares.
Imagine a world where every continent has the same values as us westerners. Are you sure you want a world full of wonderbras? There is no globalization , just westernization. Who is to blame? I'd say a mormon called Philo Farnsworth.
We've evolved or should I say companies have evolved even more and they know people don't buy this shit unless you make it funny or cool or trendy. In China they are just getting in to this consuming business so people aren't that critical.
Maybe I should found an advertisement office in China.
written by Perro time 14.14 0 comments
Tags: globalization, human behavior
tiistai 13. marraskuuta 2007
Dissing Finns
At some point in my previous blog I was dissing some girls from USA but it's not like we Finns are much better. I've always said Finland is miniature USA and the country that has taken most influence from America of all the EU countries. I'm sticking to that statement. Anyways, few women were talking in the laundry room today and the other one told about her vacation in Turkey:
- Yes Turkey is a really nice country.. Blaa..Blaa.. Blaa but we couldn't eat any local food since it might be dangerous so we ate the whole week in McDonald's. The last few days the burgers didn't taste that good.
WTF?!!? Only the last few days!?!?!
Ok, I promised I would be dissing Finns in this entry but I just don't want to start whining so better to just shut up.
written by Perro time 18.50 0 comments
maanantai 12. marraskuuta 2007
tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2007
New week new movie tip
This time Movie of the week is Tropa de Elite. An excellent recommendation from a Brazilian friend of mine.
I just told that I don't like to know anything about movies beforehand but I don't know what is your opinion on this matter so I'm going to tell you at least something. The movie is about Special forces of Rio De Janeiro who fight against criminals when the ordinary cops are out of their league or when the "balance" is disturbed and a conflict breaks loose. This movie deals with so many things on so many levels that I think I have to watch it again some day soon. For a Finnish boy this was almost too much to absorb in 2 hours =D But it's good, it's really good. A+
written by Perro time 19.47 0 comments
Tags: corruption, movies, politics
sunnuntai 4. marraskuuta 2007
Movie tip of the week
good movie. Match Point, written and directed by Woody Allen.
For some reason I didn't like Woody Allen. But Now I changed my mind. I guess I didn't like him as an actor but as an director and writer I really do respect him because of this movie.
Don't read from the Internet what this movie is about. Just see it. I really hate when I read something about some movie beforehand. It makes me expect something of the film and that's not the right way to see a movie. If you read a review it's stuck in your head. I don't like the fact that someone tells me what to think of a movie before I've even seen it.
From now on I don't want to know anything about the movies I'm going to watch. Not even the genre. All information makes you prejudice. You have to see and feel it yourself. Then you can agree or disagree with others.
written by Perro time 19.20 3 comments
Tags: movies
lauantai 3. marraskuuta 2007
Voi pyhä mikä päivä
Täytyy myöntää että aamulla kun aloin siivoamaan en muistanut että on pyhäpäivä, tosin se ei olisi muuttanut suunnitelmiani mitenkään. Imuroinnin ja luuttuamisen jälkeen meni pihalle hakkaamaan matosta hengen pois, sen verran se jo kuhisi elämää. Noin 1 minuutin hakkaamisen jälkeen tuttu kasvo ilmaantuu viereisestä rapusta. Sehän B-rapun nalkuttaja!
"Tänään ei saisi siivota kun on pyhäpäivä. Nyt on pyhäpäivä!"
"Aha, no ei tässä montaa minuuttia mene"
"Ei nyt saisi tuollaista tehdä. Joku on varannut pyykkivuoronkin vaikkei pyykkiä saisi pestä."
Voi voi, totesin sillä en keksinyt muuta enkä nyt nähnyt aiheelliseksi ryhtyä väittelemään rouvan kanssa. Jatkoin piiskaamista.
Voi tätä herttaista vanhaa rouvaa. Hän se pitää kyllä huolen että hänen sääntöjä noudatetaan.
Lista asioista joista hän on pelkästään minulle valittanut:
- Pesukoneen pesuohjelma valitsin ei ole nolla-asennossa.
- Pesukoneen päävirtakatkaisijaa ei ole sammutettu.
- Pyörällä ei saisi ajaa noin kovaa pihaan ettei törmää kävelijöihin, eteenkään kävelyyn tarkoitettua väylää pitkin.
- Virtakytkin pesukoneesta ei ole pois, taas.
- Vaatteita ei oteta pois kuivumasta.
- Tähän pihaan ei saisi parkkeerata autoja muuta kuin pysäköintipaikalle kun ei meimnaa päästä muuten kauppaan ostoksille.
- Jotkut pesivät pyykkiä sunnuntaina
- jotkut pesevät pyykkiä pyhäpäivisin
- Mattoja ei saisi hakata pyhäpäivinä.
Erikoinen tapa elää päivästä toiseen tarkkaillen muita ja valittaen heti kun mahdollisuus aukeaa.
written by Perro time 12.23 0 comments
Tags: ihmismieli
Clever MySpace hacker
"Oh! I want new friends!" I'll give my email and password for this software and it will create me hundreds of friends just like that! Yeppii!
I guess the little guy didn't think how the program gets those new friends. I mean usually you need the persons email and password. Dum Ass!
Funny thing about this video is that only stupid people do this. So if you want to meet stupid people just create a fake personality and install the program. But then again, that would make you stupid. Well atleast you would know that the rest are stupid without knowing, unlike you.
Stupidity! The hole thing!
written by Perro time 1.12 0 comments
Tags: myspace
torstai 1. marraskuuta 2007
No sex in Singapore Airlines
That is the big news of today on the radio and newspapers. Apparently Singapore Airlines is saying that passanger in their privete double beds are not allowed to have sex during the flights.
Am I really the onlyone who can see that this is purely an advertisement trick from Singapore airlines. They sent this memo to some news agencies and rest is history. Cheapest publicity money can buy for their new Airbus A380.
One week, 50+ countries, thousands of DJ's talking and joking about sex on the plane. Perfect and all free. At the same time Lufthansa is swearing "WHY DIDN'T WE COME UP WITH THAT?!"
written by Perro time 16.13 1 comments
Tags: advertisement
Mistä viihdettä?
Ylex iltapäivässä nais- ja miesjuontajat keskustelevat Mika Myllylän joutumisesta mahdollisesti telkien taakse kännissä ajamisesta.
Nainen: Sopisi lopettaa tuo törttöily tähän paikkaan.
Mies: Mistä sitä sitten viihdettä saataisiin?
Ylex:n Iltapäivä on yksi hauskimmista radio-ohjelmista mutta ei voi kuin hämmästellä radiojournalismin tasoa noin yleensä. Oli kyse sitten nuorille tai aikuisille suunnatusta ohjelmasta. Radiosta tulee mieleen lähinna 7 päivää lehti joka ilmestyy 24 kertaa päivässä. Itse tehdyt jutut ovat hävinny melkein kokonaan ja tilalle on tullut netin ja päivän lehtien referointia, yleensä perättömien juorujen muodossa.
8 vuotta sitten kävin Radio Mafian toimituksessa ja silloinen iltapäivän naisjuontaja kävi iltalukiota (about 25 vuotias, mukava likka). Nykyään nainen kirjoittaa lehtiin ja on Nelosella toimittajana. Sen enempään naiseen takertumatta radioon pääsee luultavasti töihin jos ääni on suht kuuntelija ystävällinen ja jaksat pälättää puuta heinää 4 tuntia putkeen. Kimittäjät älkööt vaivautuko. Teeveessä rumat älkööt vaivautuko.
Eli onko tuo nyt yllätys että radioaallot ja digiverkot on täynnä schaissee.
written by Perro time 14.53 4 comments
keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2007
Top 10 material
An hour ago a lady rang me and told that my add design was one of the top 10 of this years Newspaper Union's national competition that was open to all design students in Finland.
I'm quite happy. I mean I didn't win the competition but considering that I spent 3,5 hours (doesn't include planning) to make the poster and post it. So I'd say I'm pretty pleased. 3,5 hours because I forgot the deadline was that day.
Work time includes: printing a photo of a shoe in school, going home, making a small "photography studio", shooting the idea, editing the photo, finalizing the work, going back to school to print the work, realizing that the photo is too yellow, editing the photo, having to change the fonts of the work to really tastless fonts: 'Impact' & 'Helvetica' (those are the NO NO's of graphic design right after 'comic sans'), fighting with the printer for 1 hour, finally succeeding (still not being happy with the print quality), going to post office, using 9 euros to envelopes and stamps, mailing the envelope and going home.
So being number 2-10 of Finland is just fine for me. Now Helsinki and award ceremony here I come.
Oh and the final work.
(Actually it's stupid to write this blog entry in english since the competition is in Finnish and the slogan points to one of our ministers and foreign politics. :D well, not going to write all this again.. )
The colors are actually not as bad as this web-version of the print might suggest.
written by Perro time 16.46 4 comments
Tags: competition winner, graphic design
sunnuntai 28. lokakuuta 2007
lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2007
Blogi vinkki
Mietin pitkään laitanko tämän linkin blogiini. Tässä se nyt tulee silläkin uhalla että saan sovinistin leiman otsaani.
Tässä yhteydessä täytyy sanoa että en laita linkkiä teille sen takia että olisin blogin kantavan idean suuri fani. Mutta kun pääset otsikon ohi ja alat luea blogia saatat nähdä sen nerokkuuden. Kaveri on ainakin verbaalisesti nerokas.
Minusta tämä blogi on yhdenmiehen vastaus Sex and the City-sarjalle. Seksi myy. Ilman seksiä tätä blogia tuskin lukisi kukaan. Itse uskallan jopa kyseenalaistaa blogin todenperäisyyden. Se peruteluista. Lukekaa itse ja päättäkää sitten olenko sika vai en ja onko kirjoittaja sika vai ei? Oma mielipiteeni molempiin on: ei.
Blogin esipuhe
ja itse blogi:
Sata naista
written by Perro time 16.42 4 comments
perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2007
This movie You really have to see
Call me crazy or paranoid. Some conspiracy theories might very well be true.
Just finished an interesting documentary about religion and politics and our money systen and I have to say its scary. 'Scary' is the only word I can think of right now.
So the challenge is for you to watch the movie and make me look really stupid by telling me which points in the movie are totally made up. Especially the economics part is something I know nothing about.
You can watch it online:
or download the torrent (I'm 100% sure this guy wont sue you):
download here.
So make me look stupid and tell me what is wrong with this documentary. Tell me I'm paranoid and an idiot for even considering this kind of stuff to be the truth. I really want you to diss me on this one.
ps. it's at least better than latest Pirates of the Caribbean.
written by Perro time 0.36 7 comments
Tags: human behavior, politics, religion
torstai 25. lokakuuta 2007
5 months of stress to come...
Two projects before I can graduate. Both for friends so I really don't want to screw these up. The first one shouldn't be a problem but my final project for school really requires me to step up a gear. So a bit of stress between shoulders.
The funny thing about stress, at least for me, is that if I do anything else except work I feel guilty. When I should be studying how to program but I'm chatting I feel guilty. When I'm with my friends eating a bit longer than I need to I feel guilty and start worrying. When I'm reading magazines instead of trying to invent a good idea for my project I feel unease. Worrying leads to frustration, frustration leads to fear and fear leads to suffer, or how did Yoda say to Luke..
I know that by pushing yourself your're suppose to learn new stuff and become a better person etc. But what's the point if you get ulcer, sleep deprivation and red eyes. I guess not being interested of any sport at the moment doesn't help. But hey this is the Finnish style of living and there is no room for complaining. Perform, perform, perform..
I wonder why Finns suffer from depression and heart attacks and high blood pressure... And please don't say reason for alcoholism is our low price of beer. That's just stupid!
I've got two other projects, a bit smaller ones, and they are going to be part of my weekly routine. First I'm going to feel guilty for writing to my blog when I should be studying and the second is that I'm going to get drunk on saturday. Those will be the 12 hours when I'm not going to worry about anything and I'm going to sleep like a log.
EDIT: thing about inventing and creating is that when you do get a good idea it's really a nice feeling. But still "worrying" vs. "nice feeling" -ratio is hard to keep balanced.
EDIT2: For now I'm relieved. I thought of a OK idea that I could work with. Tonight I'm going to sleep without worries. One good idea a day keeps the insomnia away.
written by Perro time 20.43 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
keskiviikko 24. lokakuuta 2007
Kulttuuriministerimme suosikkileffa
Koettakaa arvata mikä on kulttuuri- ja urheiluministerimme suosikkielokuva?
välilukemista: Wallin tiukan testin edessä.
Saataisiinkohan Suomeen joskus kulttuuriministeri joka on oikeasti kiinnostunut kulttuurista. Edellinen oli tietysti ex-missi joten ehkä se kuvaa suomalaisten kulttuuria varsin osuvasti. Missi ja kulttuuriministeri! Jotenkin nuo kaksi sanaa eivät minusta sovi yhteen aivan kuten Titanic ja kulttuuriministeri!!!
Suomalaiset ajattelevat kaiken tehokkuuden kannalta se tässä kusee. Ei kulttuuri ole tehokasta! Jos faarao olisi halunnut olla tehokas hän olisi rakentanut kansalleen taloja eikä itselleen hautaa. Suomalaiset rakentavat iteselleen tehokkaita elementtikerrostaloja ja siinä samalla kulttuurihautaa.
written by Perro time 11.26 1 comments
Tags: kulttuuri
tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2007
What movie to watch after Pirates of the Caribbean IV?
Ok, now I really need help. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (that's the 4th I think). It was the biggest piece of shit I've seen in a long time. I honestly don't even know why I saw it. Someone is controlling my so called free will!
What an earth should I watch after that piece of garbage that destroyed 2h 40 minutes(!!!) of my life during two nights (first night I fell asleep because it was too boring)?!?!?
written by Perro time 20.12 2 comments
Tags: movies
sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2007
F1 Victory!
Sorry Brazil, Sorry Germany, Sorry Spain, Sorry England, but you can't beat Finns in racing!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Now we have something that bonds us to Italians.
written by Perro time 21.10 0 comments
Tags: F1
keskiviikko 17. lokakuuta 2007
Viikon mielenkiintoisin uutinen
Mielenkiintoisin uutinen tällä viikolla, vaikken mikään kotimaisen politiikan ystävä olekaan. Tosin tällä kertaa kun olemme pelinappula isojen poikien valtataistelussa, mielenkiinto hiukan herää.
written by Perro time 21.59 1 comments
Tags: politiikka
See this movie!
I don't think they gave this guy the Nobel peace price of stuff he made up..
..and here is the response from the the people in power that control their nation. Watch the movie and then watch this clip again.
An Inconvenient Truth is something that really should be shown in every school and work. Especially in the parliaments of all the countries. Popcorn and juice for the MP's and free movie night for all the politicians!
If you don't watch this movie and force 10 friends to see it you will die! This is meant to be one of those "letters" that you have to put to circulation. The only difference to other letters is that this one might actually be true. See the movie!
written by Perro time 9.57 1 comments
Tags: earth, human behavior, judgement day
maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2007
Kaikki Pikajunaan!
Koittaakohan joskus päivä jolloin minusta on hyvä idea ostaa (lue: raaskin ostaa) junassa limsan, täytetyn ruisleivän ja euron omenan. Sinä päivänä luen luultavasti Optio-lehteä ja keskustelen uuteen Nokiaani koko junamatkan työpuheiluita. En haluaisi ihan vielä (tai ehkä koskaan) lähteä siihen vaiheeseen elämässäni. Toisaalta koskaan ei voi tietää mitä tulevaisuus tuo tullessaan joten tuokin skenaario voi olla täysin mahdollinen. Toivottavasti Optio-lehden ja nykyhetken väliin kuitenkin mahtuu vielä monta mielenkiintoista tapahtumaa.
Tulevaisuus ei tuoksu miltään. Sehän tässä vähän pelottaakin. Tuo junan ruisleipä taas puolestaan tuoksuisi todella herkulliselta. Se on kuitenkin ehkä vielä pelottavampaa. Tarjolla oleva ruisleipä olisi myös turvallinen valinta, mutta sen terveysvaikutukset uskallan kuitenkin jo tässä vaiheessa elämääni kyseenalaistaa.
written by Perro time 19.51 0 comments
Tags: pikajuna
keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2007
My next media appearance will be...
..yes it's radio. Some radio produced read my interview from local newspaper and now he wants me to some morning show in Radio YLE Savo to talk about low budget traveling and traveling in general.
I have no idea where I'm sticking my head into but since I've decided to say "YES" to these things I have to go. The real reason is that it could be interesting or at least a new experience.
Of course this isn't the first time I'm on radio. Last time I was interviewing a guy who won the Finnish Music Producer of the year - trophy in Emma ceremony... ok, ok that was 9 years ago...
My next step is obviously TV and then I'll run for European Parliament. Oh, before that maybe some Big Brother just to let people know where I'm going since I'm going to bee way too busy and famous to write some lame ass blogs.
written by Perro time 14.06 0 comments
tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2007
A guy from Mac-service called and told me there is nothing they can do to restore the data from my broken hard-drive.
I really don't know if I should start remembering what was in there or just move on. First things I can remember are some long reports I had written for school = 10h work (never returned them so I have to write them again), information concerning my final project for school = 50-200 hours of work or so, all the graphic design ideas that I wrote down = priceless. Thank god, I mean my brains, that I wrote fraction of that stuff down on some old fashioned paper.. At least my own Hard-drive(brain) is still working quite well. I guess that's what counts at the end of the day.. but still...
1,5 weeks vacation starts day after tomorrow. I need it to reboot my system and find some new stuff to do. It really feels strange to start everything from an empty table, virtually and physically.
written by Perro time 15.31 0 comments
Tags: reboot
maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2007
3rd strike and I'm out!
Today I went to see a doctor concerning my shoulder. He twisted my shoulders to every direction and couldn't really find anything wrong with it except that it's loose. He gave me a go ahead to continue training, but told me that I should be careful not the dislocate it again while it's healing since it would make things worse.
So after that I went sparring with my friends and after 4 rounds I was about to hit my friend in the face but he dodged and my fist missed the target and continued moving forward. Result: 3rd dislocated shoulder and my career as a kickboxer is now officially over.
There are no words for this feeling.
written by Perro time 18.23 4 comments
Tags: retirement
lauantai 6. lokakuuta 2007
Artficial life is here
Human made Artificial life. So before we found artificial life, we decided to make some. Human made artificial life will brings up some interesting philosophical questions in the near future.
written by Perro time 23.26 0 comments
Tags: human behavior, philosophy
Ympäristöystävällisestä yritystoimintaa ja sotimista
Tällä kertaa asialla Neste ympäristöystävällisine hankkeineen.
Toinen Greenpeace aiheinen uutinen. 390 miljoonan euroa tarvittaisiin Amazonin pelastamiseen. Tällä hetkellä Yhdysvallat käyttää 500 000 dollaria, n. 700 000euroa per minuutti Irakin sotaan (lähde: Time magazine). Tämä tarkoittaisi että Yhdysvallat yksinään olisi pelastanut tuolla sijoittamisella Amazonin sademetsät 557 minuutissa. Tämä tarkoittaa siis noin 10 tuntia Irakin sodassa.
10 tuntia sotimista = Amazonin pelastaminen. Siinä on yhtälö joka pistää miettimään, ainakin hetkeksi.
written by Perro time 17.12 0 comments
Tags: human behavior, nature
torstai 4. lokakuuta 2007
*UPDATE* Luck is changing, or is it something else.. I don't care!!
Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine through messenger. She had found her camera that she lost in our crap-party. The same day her computer broke down..
I told: One technology returned home and other left the place.
WELL! Here is the "funny" part:
Yesterday when I shut down my laptop I had to force it to close.. (hardly ever happens to Mac)
Next Morning postman woke me up after 4 hours of sleep at 7 o'clock. My new 22" wide screen arrived. NICE! I decided to try it but something was wrong. My lapton couldn't find the hard drive. After 2 hours of fighting nothing helped so I'm quite convinced my hard drive has exploded. That means everything inside it is probably lost.
All my work, all my writing, all my ideas for different design, my life, EVERYTHING.
I had a meeting with a teacher this morning concerning my final thesis, which also dissapeared. She was amazed how calm I was. I just told her "zeros and ones, zeros and ones".
I bought a "new" old mac from school with 70 euros. That with my new display and it's ALMOST like nothing happend. Just missing 60GB of info and the fact that my stomach is upset. No biggie.
written by Perro time 11.26 1 comments
Tags: mac
tiistai 2. lokakuuta 2007
Korea or Mexico...
The good thing that I'm still studying at the university computer science, at the same time with graphic design, is the fact that when I graduate next spring I can keep on studying in university the next fall. Just between you and me I have no intention of graduating from university as grad. student (bachelor's degree will do for me). The nice thing is that I can do another exchange program through university..
I've narrowed my choices down to 2 candidates: South-Korea and Mexico. I've got about 4 months to decide which one I prefer. Of course it's not a Sure Thing that they take me, but computer science students aren't really social people so I think leaving Finland behind shouldn't be a problem.
I'm kind of interested of Korea since I know nothing about it. Mexico and surfing and spanish language. Korea and culture. Mexico and food. Korea and mysticism. Mexico and Fiesta. Korea, Asia. Mexico, South America.. Damn, it will hard to decide! At the moment I think Korea... argh!
If you know anything about these countries do let me know.
written by Perro time 14.00 4 comments
Tags: exchange
sunnuntai 30. syyskuuta 2007
Firts adversity in KB-training
In training today while getting warm my left shoulder just popped out while punching air. I'd say it was semi-dislocated shoulder since it went back "in" after 15 seconds or so..
It really scared me since last time this happened 2 years ago I was wrestling and after that incident I couldn't even lift my arm for 3 weeks. Luckily the shoulder feels semi-OK and I think I can keep on training.
Loose joints and martial arts aren't that good combination. Hopefully this was the biggest incident I'll face since I don't have time to be injured.
written by Perro time 19.17 3 comments
Tags: kickboxing
lauantai 29. syyskuuta 2007
Truth about TV (according to internet)
written by Perro time 0.45 0 comments
Tags: human behavior, tv
keskiviikko 26. syyskuuta 2007
Democracy by force. Does it exist?
Just started thinking.. How many countries do you know that have implemented democracy successfully to their country because someone told them or forced them to do so..
I can't think of that many. Hongkong(?) and some other countries that Europe used to rule back in the days. So would it be wiser to let these countries that haven't yet 'joined' us to do it by themselves. Slightly helping them in a form of some nice little prices but nothing more.
What happened to our patience. We're thinking everything in quarters (or what ever the stock term is) and if there is no progress something has to be done.
I don't know, I was just thinking.
written by Perro time 16.30 0 comments
maanantai 24. syyskuuta 2007
Smoking inside car is SOOO this season!
Our society is like a man who is smoking in his brand new car. He likes to keep the car clean. When smoking the man keeps one window just slightly open so that the smoke clears out because of the draft and shakes the ash of the cigarette outside as well. Finally he throws the fag-end out of the window. Out of sight, out of mind.
If you ever meet a person who smokes and uses the ashtray of his/her car you know he/she is a good person! Observe the next time someone smokes inside his/her car. I bet 10 euros he does what I just wrote.
We should start using our ashtrays to realize that those things get full someday. The question is: What do you do then? Or is it already full?
written by Perro time 23.10 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
Stand up marketing I mean comedy
What makes it even funnier is that it's all true :P
Without adds people might actually think what they need. Now someone else is telling you what to buy and you're buying it! Don't say that it's not true because you are wrong. I tell you you need socks that have 5 little holes for each toe and then you go and buy them. You didn't need them but you bought them.
written by Perro time 17.33 0 comments
Tags: comedy, graphic design, youtube
sunnuntai 23. syyskuuta 2007
Bush. This time in Australia.
Australia's long-serving prime minister was hosting Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Sydney.
Background info: Party elections expected before the end of the year. Party of the PM is trailing behind by as much as 18 points.
Ok, This is where Bush comes in:
BUSH: Hi there! (I made this comment up)
Bush thanked the PM for being a fine host of the "OPEC summit" (not APEC) and referred to "Austrian troops" (not Australian troops) in Iraq.
All that didn't really help PM or his party to become more popular.
So if you are the leader of your country. Don't invite Bush to your country. It's not worth the while. He will probably just start a revolution.
written by Perro time 14.04 0 comments
perjantai 21. syyskuuta 2007
Bushism of the day.. I'm getting bored with these
I mean really that guy just keeps on saying stupid stuff. There's no end to it! Come to think of it, this might be part of his tactics. The more stupid stuff he says the less meaningful those statements become.
Do you know what is the Best advice for a famous Hollywood celebrities to bore paparazzis?
- Wear same clothes every day! It really works!
The paparazzis can't sell their photos to magazines because the famous person looks the same in every photo.
Bush is doing the same thing. after 100 stupid statements his comments start to feel boring.. But boy where the first 100 statements pure GOLD!!!
After each of these videos I have to pinch myself to see if I still exist.. or is this all just a weird dream.
Fame does funny things to a person. I hope I wont ever be famous. (A reporter from local newspaper just left my flat and I'm going to be on newspaper!!! Me famous!!! You NOT!!!) hahahahahahahaha!!! (this is called the Finnish black humour by the way, but still I'm going to be on a newspaper!!!)
written by Perro time 15.28 5 comments
torstai 20. syyskuuta 2007
Yes-man part 3. New challenge!
I've been postponing this challenge for quiet a while.. but today a friend of mine from kickboxing who trains with the national team told me I should try a match of kickboxing. Then he told there is a kickboxing night at the end of October in Oulu, north of Finland.
That's six weeks from now and in kickboxing that's nothing but he convinced me it's enough to prepare. Well, tonight in training our coach showed me the green light so here we go..
6 weeks of no alcohol and 6 days per week hard training.. I know I'm going to regret this.....not!
Compared to Bull running this is a bit different since there is no place to hide and I'm definitely going to get hit, big time. BUT hopefully the other guy gets hit more.
Ok, it's a bit stupid to write about this but this blog entry is only for me. Now that I've told this to the "whole world" there is no turning back.
PS. this totally screws my half a year project to gain weight up to 70kg since my match will be at the 63,5 kg category. Now I'm at 66,5kg. 3kg/6weeks=0,5kg/week. Should be interesting since I'm still eating like crazy.
written by Perro time 22.13 2 comments
Tags: challenges, yes
keskiviikko 19. syyskuuta 2007
1 month and going strong...
It's been now over month without TV and still going strong. Well I saw little bit of Champion League trough Internet. It's the fault of the damn Finnish Broadcasting Company that allows you to watch many of their TV programs from Internet, like live football f.ex.
To be honest with you I haven't really missed that apparatus. I've been so busy with everything else. Lots of things are changing and I've never been happier, confused and busy in my life. But I'm liking it! I feel like something is happening. Let's see if I feel the same way when the year is changing or am I missing my TV and everything else it represents.
written by Perro time 22.51 1 comments
Tags: human behavior
tiistai 18. syyskuuta 2007
Armeijaa aidoimmillaan
Vaikka en mikään armeijan ylin ystävä ole niin voin kyllä jo sanoa että tuossa on sellaisia vässyköitä ettei ole järkee. Älkää näyttäkö tätä venäläisille tai ne tulee rajan yli jo huomenna.Video Suomen korpisotureista
written by Perro time 15.53 0 comments
Tags: armeija
maanantai 17. syyskuuta 2007
Perfect weekend
Photos of the weekend
What do you get when you combine: lake, summer cottage, good friends and 1000 euros worth of food and drinks… Perfect weekend!
This Monday is a bit shaky but that's life!
written by Perro time 9.19 0 comments
Tags: friends
torstai 13. syyskuuta 2007
I was hard on Spanish postal service in my last blog but they sure as hell know how to screw things up in Finland as well! Sorry Spain. I take it all back!
Post just wants to divert all my mail to my fathers address even if they have my new address. So far, all my bills, important insurance papers, 5kg of HUPELLUS posters, all my social service papers, etc.. actually all my mail. It didn't help that I visited city administrative court, Post Office, city administrative court, wrote them e-mail... Nobody can do nothing. The woman in city administrative court said I'm not the first one..
FUCK POSTAL OFFICE! If I one day start a underground guerrilla movement it's sole purpose is to blow up all the postal offices of earth. E-mail me to join the movement.
Until that day, PEACE! This rat is leaving the boat just as soon as the opportunity rises. The boat is sinking, and it's sinking fast. Thank god that I can see land in the horizon. Now one bottle of vodka to help me forget these last 2 awful days.
OK OK OK. Post isn't LUCIFER and what really pisses me of is the fact that I've wasted 2 days of my life for absolutely nothing! Time is valuable in Finland! Shit, I've turned back into a bitching Finn...! It seems it's not enough to live in Spain for one year to get totally rid of hectic lifestyle... It's not "Fuck POST!" it's "FUCK THIS COUNTRY AND LIFESTYLE!" I don't want to turn back to the old me..shit shit shit. Next september 11th I'm going to blow the smoke of this joint and then Nomad will be heading south. 363 days to go (I reserve the right to change the date of departure by +-1 month.)
written by Perro time 16.08 5 comments
Tags: post office
keskiviikko 12. syyskuuta 2007
Eating is hard work
Who would have guessed that eating healthy was so much hard WORK, yes work.
Here is my normal eating rhythm for one day:
Breakfast at 7:15 a.m
• porridge and some blueberries, no sugar
• 2 slices of rye bread (optional, depends of the day)
• cup of tea
• glass of homemade juice
For this I have 20 minutes to shovel it down the throat.
Things to remember: don't eat too fast, don't burn your tongue with tea.
Lunch at 11:30 a.m
• usually some meat and pasta (as much as the plate takes without huge spills)
• glass of sour milk
• glass of water
• Salad (as much as the plate takes)
• 2 slices of rye bread (this is dark bread)
For this I have about 30-40 minutes, depends of the patients of my friends. I try to eat slow which I learned in Spain. Finns eat way too fast their food!!!
Dinner at 4:00 p.m
• Usually some pasta, lasagñe or rise with cow's meat (not pig's meat!) or chicken or some soya.
• few slices of rye bread with cheese and ham and tomatoes (depends of the price).
• big glass of homemade juice
• no salad (don't like making salads)
Snack 6:00 p.m (depends if I'm hungry)
• Bread or fruits
9:30p.m Recovery shake-drink (right after kickboxing, I need the protein)
Evening snack 10p.m
• 2 dl of muesli + 1/2 dl of raw soya soaked in milk. Then some yogurt + banana +blueberries (if I have plenty of them)
• big glass of juice
That's my normal weekly diet almost everyday. Weekends I don't eat that much because usually I don't use that much energy.
While writing this entry I ate 2 slices of bread, banana and an apple and half a liter of juice. Full!
With this diet I aiming to increase my weight with 5 kg by the end of the year. I'm telling you, it's hard work this eating business! I'm sorry all you who are trying to loose weight, no sympathy here. Well maybe little but for me it's easier not to eat than to eat plenty.
written by Perro time 22.44 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
tiistai 11. syyskuuta 2007
Super Mario on autopilot
Respect for the man who made this level!
The Only Mario Level That Plays Itself - Watch more free videos
And here is a Mario poster I made few weeks ago. I think I'll do some changes to it..
written by Perro time 18.35 0 comments
Tags: Super Mario
Talking with a stranger
There are 2 possibilities how a conversation goes if a stranger starts it with you:
1. Good morning!/hello! (and a smile if it's a woman).
2. Complaining complaining and some more complaining (usually when it's some bittered old b***h).
written by Perro time 9.48 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
sunnuntai 9. syyskuuta 2007
hurry hurry!!
and hurry some more. Train must be one of the best places to get your pulse going for now particular reason.
"Next stop Kuopio" says the woman voice from the speakers.
People start running for the door and putting their stuff together like they have 2 minutes to get out of the train or they'll die.
The funniest incidents happen when the door doesn't open. First they try to open the door calmly, then by shaking it back and forth, then by kicking it and finally almost crying.. And it's not just the old folks. Those reactions are universal. Once it happened and the door really didn't open so when I was the last person of the queue I turned around and started slowly walking towards the next exit. People started panicking behind me and I was enjoying every single second.
In general first it's the elderly folks that want to get out. They are behind the exit door even before the announcement comes from the speakers. They worry the most. I wonder how much their blood pressure rises just from the thought that they might miss the stop (I bet they think of it every single time!)? After the old folks it's all random, women, children, men, couples... then it's me.
I'd say I'm pretty "cool" when it comes to leaving trains. I've never missed my stop because I was too slow to walk out. STILL I get this funny feeling in my stomach if something in my 'leaving the train' routines doesn't go right, like my shoe laces are open and I have to spend 20 seconds to tie them. My pulse rises and I get worried for a short period of time. I want to get rid of that feeling because it happens in other situations as well. Spanish people don't have that feeling, but then again maybe that is the reason why they are always late...
Still people panicking in trains never ceases to amuse me.
written by Perro time 19.21 0 comments
Tags: human behavior, train
torstai 6. syyskuuta 2007
Voice of the world
Great video on youtube. of a bird that could very well be an ambassador for us with aliens if we meet them one day.. (the video can't be embedded.)
written by Perro time 15.54 0 comments
keskiviikko 5. syyskuuta 2007
Refugees in Finland
Immigration policies in Finland have not changed in the last 100 years or so. Next year we are taking 750 regufees.
Asking about this from our immigration minister Astrid Thors she tells she wanted to take, imagine, 1000 refugees!!!! WOWOWOWWWW!!! 250 more than normally but sadly she didn't get her way. She also said that Finland does take a little less refugees than Norway and Sweden. No shit, Sweden has at the moment over 100 000 (if I recall correctly) refugees from Iraq for example.
That woman is a donkeys ass! Just like our policies that deal with refugees!
written by Perro time 21.57 1 comments
Tags: refugees
tiistai 4. syyskuuta 2007
Study graphic design..
..And spend more time writing reports than doing creative work. I'm not kidding. I should be doing creative stuff but I'm stuck for hours trying to write bullshit, 5-8 pages to be exact. I understand that they don't want me to forget Finnish language and I have to know how to write reports for the rest of my life but it's just something I don't like doing. Writing the first few pages is Ok but after that you just have to start repeating the same stuff over and over again and finally make a short conclusion that binds it all together.
(Wait just a minute! This all sounds somehow familiar... YES of course, back in high school we wrote hundreds of essays during the courses and at the final examen, and they all had the same pattern: Write something good at the beginning and then 300 words of bullshit and after that something smart for the teacher so he/she thinks you know what you are writing about. Everybody wants you to write a report but nobody wants to read it properly. I could compare it to life but I wont involve life in this blog entry ;p )
I'll give you an example: Few years ago we had to make new book covers for any book we wanted. I did these covers of a war book:
Back & Front cover
Then we had to write an essay why we chose that book and why we used certain color and then some analyzing, etc.. AAARGHHHH!!!
Finally at the end of the course we got the notes and the teacher gave me 3/5 of the whole course. I don't give a rats ass about the notes but I'm always interested of where it comes from. This particular work was OK according to my teacher but I failed to explain why I had used the color green and what did the gun and the hand symbolize. She also didn't like the fact that text in the back of the book was missing, as well as the price. The instructions said you don't have to put any of the original texts etc. Only the design count.. Well obviously it wasn't the case with me.
At the moment we're designing a marketing campaign on some subject that we drew out of a hat (literally). I got skin care product. Immediately I got a great idea for some face-cream for teenagers. The problem is that that is not how this assignment should be done. First we should analyze the markets, make plans for budgets, choose which medias to use etc. and only then start thinking of an idea. Oh and of course before you get to do any work you have to write marketing plan, briefing for the teacher and few other documents. By the time you get to do something creative the course is almost over and you just have to make something really quick!
I understand that this is how the real world works but still now we are climbing to the tree with our asses first. If you have an idea first like I did with this skin care product you then have to build the whole product over the idea. Not the other way around like in real world where you have a product and it needs a innovative solution.
Is it my fault that I get ideas before I've managed to write 20 pages of reports?! HELL NO, this time the school is doing something wrong, not me! That is my statement and I will hold on to it! You can only get it from my cold dead hand!
(And yes, in that last sentence I refer to earlier parts of the writing like they teached me to do in school. You know the book cover.. Ok if you still didn't get it. I'm like the dead soldier and the gun is my opinion.. symbolism..)
written by Perro time 14.35 0 comments
Tags: graphic design
maanantai 3. syyskuuta 2007
Daft Hands
Great video and more than that a great idea!
Other recommendation:
Daft Punk is one of my favorite artists and their music/animation movie Interstella 5555 is awesome. You just have to "purchase" it!
written by Perro time 21.50 0 comments
Tags: youtube
sunnuntai 2. syyskuuta 2007
Sicko *****
I've been postponing to see the new Michael Moore movie Sicko because his movies always make me furious or sad. Now I finally saw it on my way back from west coast and I have to say it's his best movie yet. It's even more touching than his previous movies and it does make you think of stuff.
I mean I'm not going to start analyzing the movie or tell about it. At first I tried writing about the movie for about 10 minutes. I gave up because I'm not really that good of a writer to tell you well enough what the movie is all about. It sure as hell is not just about health care and bad insurances!
Skip the new Die Hard (it's awful) and see a movie that actually requires you to use your own brain for a change. Trust me it's good.
written by Perro time 19.06 0 comments
Tags: movies
torstai 30. elokuuta 2007
dude, It's all uphill
New Finnish saying:
Only time always rolls uphill.
And it's even accelerating.
chew on the Newton!
written by Perro time 19.07 0 comments
Tags: time
maanantai 27. elokuuta 2007
only in america
I know that phrase is over used but this next video clip can only be broadcast in america
the next thing doesn't really refer to the heading but it's a good clip. The first 9 minutes is a good reminder of foreign policy of USA in Middle East. At the end is a good interview of Obama.
written by Perro time 23.06 0 comments
Tags: usa
VC (video clip) of the day
Bush being funny with a blind guy
Damn I have my first technical difficulties with my mac. My flash player doesn't work properly.. It might be fault of my new Adium 1.1 messenger..
Other thing that I found quite funny, not so high-profile thing.. I was with my bike going to buy food and when I was stopping I saw few girl and started thinking what is the coolest way to stop my bike?! I stopped like I always stop my bike and just started laughing by myself for thinking of a COOL way to stop a bicycle.
written by Perro time 18.15 1 comments
sunnuntai 26. elokuuta 2007
Things I've burned..
..in my kitchen. I've burned them all big time! Not just little brown, I mean black as black hole.
- porridge
- "Boiled" eggs, about 55 minutes, at the end there was no water in the pot
- bread
- Plastic container on the stove (don't ask). The smell was awesome!
- rice
- pizza (yesterday)
- karjalanpiirakoita (today)
- my hands (today)
- Nothing, I left a gas stove on for 4 hours while going to school in Spain.
Most of these things happened here in my big flat (24 square meters) where my living and bedroom is the same as kitchen..
written by Perro time 13.24 2 comments
Tags: kitchen
lauantai 25. elokuuta 2007
Nature photos
Photos from the last 7 days. All the photos are in a new photo gallery. By right-clicking over the large image you can open it in a new window if you want to view the photo in an even larger version.
written by Perro time 23.17 0 comments
perjantai 24. elokuuta 2007
useless links of the day
loose pants ban
How to waste time
There is a hole in the universe this one is actually interesting
and the worst swing in the world
written by Perro time 18.19 0 comments
Tags: news
Bulls on parade!
So you don't like bullfights or matadors. That is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But before you make your opinion you should always know the facts. I admit, I've had many stupid opinions in my life but when you learn new stuff you change your opinions. Stubborn people stink! Everyone should try changing their opinions every once and in a while.
So about bulls. Did you know they have been worshipped in the Mediterranean land without a break from the earliest times. Together with the horse, bull is the animal most frequently painted by prehistoric man in the cave paintings of France. The oldest painting of bulls dates back 35 000 years. Bulls are also represented on the walls of the ritual center in one of the earliest cities yet discovered located in the Anatolia region which developed around 8 400 years ago. They were the first animals to be worshipped as gods in temples of ancient Egypt 3000 years later.
Next great civilization after Egypt around 3000 B.C was in Greek. There too bulls were worshipped. Athletes took part in rituals in which participants of both sexes vaulted over bulls by grasping their horns. After that the Romans continued the worship in the form of Mithras. The cult in which the killing of the astral bull, the tauroctony, was as central in the cult as the Crucifixion was to contemporary Christians.
Today the last relics of these cults survive in the bullfights of Spain and southern France. So bulls and our relation to them is an important part of our past. It's cruel, I'll admit that but by that logic so is killing any animal (chicken, cow, armadillo). How do you compare which is worse, killing 50 million chickens or 500 bulls a year (don't know the exact number). At least bulls are treated well until at the end. But hey, death comes and goes. Is it not more important how animals live, not how they die?
written by Perro time 17.00 0 comments
Tags: bulls
tiistai 21. elokuuta 2007
Wars are so last season
Why bother conquering the world with arms and ammunition when there are so much more easier and cheaper ways to achieve it. If I was George W. Bush or Putin I would do it trough treavel industry and culture.
Through out the times great explorers, like Columbus and Marco Polo etc., have been the pioneers that have left their signature to our history. It's often left unrecognized that they also left behind the, not so nice, seed of change. In the recent history backpackers have been our seeders. I call them the 'First wave', the Scouts if you like. Often they are young people that want to explore the world to make some sense to it. They want to see the world and for them leaving the rat race is the only way to go. When they come back from their journeys from far corners of the world they tell tales of wonderful virgin beaches that are untouched by pollution and noise. They tell stories of delicious foods, beautiful people and of a rich culture that we should learn from. Everyone else are impressed of all this and they feel attracted to these adventures.
This returning 'Hippie' launches a chain reaction that can't be stopped. More and more people come to these remote parts of the world every year. Eventually new hotels and restaurants are built because of the demand. Someone gets a great idea to write to a magazine of this wonderland. Someone makes a TV program. Then it all explodes, people start travelling to these destinations by the thousands. The name appears in every newspaper and magazine. The second phase,'The invasion' has began.
When mass tourism comes to town everything changes. People are no longer feed the local specialities. Instead McDonald's are being build to keep hungre away. Chicken curry comes from the freezer and local drinks are replaced with Coca Cola. Local people are starting to adapt to serve their new masters. People might think that travel 3000 kilometers is exotic but they still want the air conditioning, cold Heineken, swimming pool and a Ford Transporter for their family.
So all you world leaders out there, especially in the western world. You had a good thing going on and you were on a way to a certain victory before you regressed and started shooting around. Invasion by implementing your culture with someone else's is quite easy. Who ever gets to the point in their society where they don't have to earn their everyday living could start concentrating on cultural invasions. Just put enough tourism to some part of the world and they will follow you. It's been done before and can be done again. Just look at some parts of Africa, Asia or Middle-East.. After a while your culture will become a solid part of the other nations culture and if you keep pushing it they will become part of your army. Example? Japan.
Think of Iraq. How much has the war on terror cost the western world? Billions and billions.. What if instead of sending troops down there we had sent tourists there? Thousands of tourist crawling around Baghdad and Teheran. Some change would bound to happen. USA could have paid part of those trips helping these cities come more wanted. This could all happen by itself if you would have a little patients but some financial aid could speed up things a bit. Sounds ridiculous? It's already happening! My Spanish roommate was about to visit Israel and half of the trip was sponsored by Israel (a.k.a USA). Two weeks vacation included buss trips around Israel visiting many politicly and culturally important sights. I could have applied for the same trip with him. Now what you think about that? In Israel all this of course works a bit differently. They've turned my theory around and are letting people invade their country. I THINK their intention deep down is to get some compassion for their political decisions by telling as many people as possible, their side of the story.
We unintentionally invented this thing called the Globalization. It's the last piece of the puzzle. If something doesn't break this puzzle we are all bound to merge into a huge mass of people without any true identity or culture. It's already happening in music in the form of Pop music but that's an other story all together.
Next time I go travelling I'm not going to tell stories of beautiful places or great sunsets or even tell where I was. All you hear from me is of the pure culture, that is if I am able to find a place like that.
Maybe the the first piece of the puzzle, the backpackers, can break the puzzle and shuffle the pieces again. At least I feel that few pieces didn't go to the right spots.
written by Perro time 18.37 0 comments
Tags: culture
Sharing would be nice
My silly idea of future:
Since the human race always want to get some new gadgets and cars and boats and so on, you can't expect us to stop wanting those things. It's just not going to happen in the near future. As long as there are natural resources, such as iron and oil, to build wonderful things that we don't really need people are going to want them.
So I suggest we start sharing them. Which is wiser: to buy a 100 000 euro boat or find 4 other people that want the same thing? In this hectic productivity oriented culture we'll never have more than 2 weeks a year to navigate that damn thing. So let's share the boat so that every one can use it 2 weeks a year. That makes 10 weeks a summer and surely we can make a excel table where everyone can mark the week they want to use it. We are extremely organized so I'm sure that we can reach a timetable that suites for everyone and so minor schedule fights can be solved.
So now we're sharing a boat. Next we can share a summer cottage. Well that is already happening so we just have to expand the system. That is solved. Next we can share cars. In this we need the government to provide the nation with cars. They can buy cars from consumers and after that start renting them for citizens for a reasonable price. And I don't mean 200 euros a day, that's just stupid. The price just has to be a bit more expensive than public transportation. So now everyone can rent cars when needed. It sure is going to be more cheaper than buying one and after that there won't be that many cars on the roads = less accidents. Great! People save thousands of euros a year to other things thus spending more money on different kinds of services. That means more jobs. Much more jobs than will be lost when the car rental companies and car sales companies go bankrupted.
We can also share motorbikes, ATVs, ski doos.. you name it. The next step after that would be to share services: you fix my TV and I'll do your garden. I'll do your taxes and you will let me use your boat for a weekend.
Let's start sharing! Is that sosialism...? hmmm.. I prefer shareism.
written by Perro time 16.07 0 comments
Hunting season started
Every year the same "problem".. the weather is too good. The sun is shining and hardly any wind. Sun means no clouds which means ducks fly high which means they are hard to shoot. No wind means they hear you from mile away which means you're pretty much screwed.
I might be writing line or two about vegetarians but now just for the record. The day I can't shoot a duck or rabbit that I'm going to eat I'll turn in to a vegetarian.
This weekend my catch was 10 liters of cowberries/red whortleberries??,a nice little flue and few photos.
I really don't like putting photos straight to blogger since it somehow cuts down on the colors that I upload here. They become really flat so to speak.. When I get an energy boost I'll start photoshopping and downloading my photos to some other place.
I invented a new desert, banana + some berries and 20 minutes in fire!
Storm coming
written by Perro time 14.52 0 comments
torstai 16. elokuuta 2007
Nice tittle for a job
Selailin kuukausi sitten Helsingissä työpaikkailmoituksia työkkärissä. Tämä ilmoitus vei voiton!
Kaikesta ei voi saada mediaseksikästä vaikka yritys on kyllä hyvä, tai no oikeastaan ei edes ole...
written by Perro time 12.36 0 comments
Tags: job
tiistai 14. elokuuta 2007
Fat of the Land
I wonder why only humankind suffers from obesity? Well of course there are the animals that people make fat against their normal behavior like cats, dogs, cows, sheep, ducks, salmon, (rice, soya, tomato) etc. If over eating is sickness why don't other animals suffer from it.
Already in ancient Rome they used to eat all day long and then put their fingers in their throats to make some more room for smoked big and wine grapes. But I guess fat people were around before that. Can someone tell me at what point of our short history fat people started walking amongst us?
written by Perro time 8.47 0 comments
Tags: human behavior
sunnuntai 12. elokuuta 2007
Just do it!
This is the mess that phrase got me into today..
I've always been afraid of high places, I mean I honestly don't like watching down from any place that is higher than 3 meters.
My "say yes to everything" got me today 10 meters above water level and there was only one way down. The good thing was that if I was to crap my pants I would be able to wash them immediately.
I started with 3 meters. didn't like it. Then I moved on to 5 meters. I felt dizzy but jumped. Next 7,5 meters. Shit it felt high. Finally I decided to see what the world looks from 10 meters. I looked scary! After few minutes of thinking I took a small step which felt like one of the hardest step of my life. The force of the impact hurt a bit but the adrenaline kept the pain away.
Before today I was sure that NO WAY would I jump down from anything higher than 5 meters but I did it.
Note: My previous record of jumping down to water was 3 meters and it happened when I was about 10. So about 15 years later I more than tripled my record!
written by Perro time 23.27 2 comments
Tags: life
I have my moments of wisdom
It's nice when your predictions go right even sometimes. If you remember my old blog entry concerning iPhone. I said iPhone would be a success and it was or still is.
"68% Approximate increase in Apple's share price, to as much as 145 USD since the iPhone was introduced in early January." -TIME, August 6, 2007.-
Damn I'm smart! I just wasn't smart enough to buy their stocks... I've never owned any stocks but maybe I should start buying.
Forget expensive banks for advices, just ask me.
This months free tip: Buy shares of companies that make beer. The prices of beer are going down in Finland but I'm quite sure we are still going to consume the same amount of soft alcohol or even more since cans are replacing glass bottles. The increase comes from the fact that now everyone is starting to buy 0,5 liter cans instead of the regular 0,33 liter bottles. OLVI would be a good company. They make Sandells beer which is the next Karhu. Trust me! Have I ever let you down!?
written by Perro time 22.42 0 comments
Tags: future
First night ever without TV
I've thought long of getting rid of my TV.. It's not as easy as it sounds but now when I moved back to East I saw an opportunity rising. When I moved all my stuff to my flat I left the TV downstairs and threw it away. Finally I'm free!!! The question is: What the hell am I going to do now???
written by Perro time 22.35 4 comments
Tags: decisions